2 instruments, needing cutoff

Hi, in my sequencer I have two instruments but SAME sample. Logic here is that when I sampled I auto-chopped it into 24 parts. aside from the sixteen allowed into a kit I had eight left over so I saved them to another kit. Ultimately I had to have two instruments to do the accommodation. What I'm trying to do is have the sample that starts the event in the other instrument, stop the sample from the previous event of the other instrument(or kit in this instance) to continue the song. Instead their is an awkward overlapping of the previous instrument because it seems that the only way to cut off a sample is through it being within the same kit or keyboard patch if u will through the cut off feature, your help would be greatly appreciated


  • You can have up to I believe 128 parts per drum machine.... Bm2 has 8 banks of 16 pads....you can chop up 128 samples per drum machine over 8 banks.... Banks A-H.... If you already have your project set up.... Just move the 8 extra samples into bank B and place them in the same mute group.....either copy and paste or find the samples and use quick load to put the extra 8 samples on pads in the same drum machine
  • You can have up to I believe 128 parts per drum machine.... Bm2 has 8 banks of 16 pads....you can chop up 128 samples per drum machine over 8 banks.... Banks A-H.... If you already have your project set up.... Just move the 8 extra samples into bank B and place them in the same mute group.....either copy and paste or find the samples and use quick load to put the extra 8 samples on pads in the same drum machine

    Oh yeah that's right, good look, thanks
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