Replace sample working correctly?

I'm experimenting with single cycle waveforms in the sampler and it makes a great synth. Only thing is if I want to change any of the waveforms in the layers it totally resets all the controls and just loads the single waveform.
There are 2 options at the bottom - Replace sample(s) and Add to new layer.
I would like to just replace the sample that is showing in the waveform display with the new one but keep all the settings.


  • Yep got annoyed at that too, along with no chain saving of layer FX, both definitely needed ;)
  • me too. Please add an option to only replace the sample, but keep the synth settings.
    Work around seems to be to add the new sample to a new layer, then move it into the to be replaced sample's layer?

  • Currently it acts more like 'replace content on pad'.
    Only changing/replacing the sample was requested during the beta...

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