Aux Sends to individual pads within a bank

Learned how to assign send FX to the main mixer, but I'm unsure how to do the same thing to individual pads within a bank. Example: I have a kick and a snare in Bank A, and want reverb on the snare only.


  • edited July 2017

    Hey @JoshuaRex and welcome!

    Two easy ways you can achieve that:

    • Open the editor screen; on the bottom left you will see the pad channel settings (volume, pan, sends, ...)

    • Open the mixer, locate Bank A, double tap the header to "enter" the bank, or press the "Show Pads" button on the bottom toolbar. From here, you will pads channel strips will appear. (And double-tap the bank header again to get back to all the 'main' tracks).


  • Thanks for the response! If I have a reverb in FX1 as Send 1, will that also send to the snare in pad channel settings?

    Because right now it's not. :(

  • Nvm, I'm a dumbass and realized that the effect goes to the Aux channel which explains why I can't hear the effect on my snare when I solo it :hushed: I also understand why that's preferable. Thanks!

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