Sequencer question?

edited July 2009 in General
In the sequencer screen, Is there a duplicate, or copy and paste function. I can't seem to find it...and it is a hassle to remake a whole pattern just to add a little variation in the drums or whatever. It would be cool if you could have different sequences along the same pattern if you understand what I mean. This would allow you to be able to edit specific parts of the sequence making it much easier to add variations to a pattern.
If this possible please fill me in. Thanks


  • edited 10:06PM
    Good question , the answer is yes
    1. Go to "Tap to Edit" in the Sequencer menu.
    on the pattern square located on your left.
    2. Press "Pattern Edit"
    This is where you can "Change Pattern Size"
    "Duplicate Pattern" and "Clear Pattern"
    3 tap "Duplicate Pattern in the one you want to copy.
    4 Your copied pattern will be the last pattern if you
    have multiple patterns already or the next one if you
    have only one.
    Try it out before you save to make sure you got it down!
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