POLL: Must have feature for the new version!



  • edited 11:18PM
    I second the variable filter control, it would be really awesome if you could adjust it using it both as an XY touchpad, and an Accelerometer.

    The piano roll would be awesome too.
  • edited 11:18PM
    Most of the requests on this thread seem to ask that BeatMaker become a different application entirely. I think the better answers are those that say what would make the software better at what it does, rather than what would make it into the application you wish Intua had made. My suggestions:
    1. Ability to delete preset content to free up valuable space.
    2. Different bar lengths: 16, 24, 32, 48, 64 ticks (if people want high resolution they can just double or quadruple the tempo)
    3. A resonant filter in the effects
    4. Different velocity contour for each pad in a pattern

    Thanks Intua for taking the iPhone/iTouch to the next level!
  • edited 11:18PM
    On further thought, what would make the filter good is if you could have a filter contour per pattern, as we now do with groove. If you want a filtered version of a pattern, just duplicate the present pattern and bring the filter right down. In that way you can have moves of filter frequency that are sync'ed to bar changes. Filter sweeps and LFO-style effects could be done in the same way, making great use of the touch interface. I don't think having fine control of resonance from moment to moment is a priority, but other musicians' mileage may vary.
  • edited 11:18PM
    Most of the requests on this thread seem to ask that BeatMaker become a different application entirely. I think the better answers are those that say what would make the software better at what it does, rather than what would make it into the application you wish Intua had made.

    You know what happens when someone makes something cool? People start getting excited about further possibilities, and also start comparing it to other really cool stuff that's been made by others.

    When someone makes something that isn't cool, no-one cares enough to even bother asking.

    Intua made something cool...
  • edited 11:18PM
    MP3 support
  • edited September 2008
    Ive didnt even use Beatmaker yet though but im really interested in it.
    if i could add things in these would be my top 9 features from important to less important.

    1 Triplets
    2 Panning Pads/Tracks
    3 LPF/BPF/HPF with Resonance
    4 ADSR or just a way to change the Attack to get out the 'plops' in the beginning of a chop.
    5 16 Levels
    6 Reverb
    7 Choir
    8 Flanger
    9 Voice Groups to let samples cut each other off for like Hi-Hat/Open-Hat.

    It would be a full production tool with those features.

    still i cant believe its possible to make beats on a Media-Player or Phone especially not with chopping samples.
    still waiting for the new iPod Touch to arrive at the store.
  • the 16 levels would be the perfect way to make basslines out of a bass-sound or do percussion or for some people melodies.
  • edited 11:18PM
    so many features... better just say, i want it to be like my desktop DAW!

    one that i didnt mention is the ability to hold and stop samples. now if you trigger a sample it plays till the end of the wav file. i would like to play a little bit and stop it, then a little longer. this would give much more possibilities.
  • Yeah, thats why i would love a ADSR in it.
    The R in ADSR stands for Release.

    If you put the release at 0 the sample will only play when you hold the pad down.
  • I really have 2 main features I would LOVE to see that would make me use beatmaker religiously.

    1: Multiple Sound Banks (A, B, C, D) with 16 Pads each.

    2: More than 1 Bar patterns.
  • Yeah, more than 1 bar patterns would be my first wish as well.
  • And being able to use at least 4 kits at the same time.
    Damn, i didnt see all those limitations on Beatmaker when i started reading about it on the internet.
    I didnt buy it yet... but i think this soft would be kinda useless to me if there wont be a upgrade for some of our wishes.

    Thought i was gonna be able to make full sampled beats on it but off course you cant expect much from 15 dollar software.
  • edited 11:18PM
    you can bypass the limitations but it is time consuming. you can use a kit that you like, make a loop and export it to a wav. then import it again into a new kit. make another etc. you could record the drums with a drums kit, the bass with a bass kit and then export them and importo into your final song kit.

    you can also record 2 bar patterns in 2 steps too. record the first part and then create a new pattern and record the second part.

    it is more tiring but you can do it.

    another feature request:
    after making a few songs i would like the sequencer to behave like a real secuencer and not a pattern based one. i have to create a new pattern just to add a kick here and there. i would like to have the instrument associated to one track and add kicks wherever i want.
  • edited 11:18PM
    We need 4 pad banks (at least two!) with no limitations of what you can upload on it
  • edited 11:18PM
    I recently posted the thread "for intua team (tool or toy??)". If I had to choose only one (or two) of my requests It would be in this order.

    1. "Mute groups" on the pads, so when playing chopped samples they won't overlap.
    2. 4-8 bar loops.
    3. A couple of sounds and a "key roll" to put down simple melodies.

    The reason why I say these are the most important things is because I see beatmaker as a potentially great tool to get ideas down when on the go. You can't expect it to compete with mpcs, logic or protools as a complete workstation. And I don't think it ever will, but It could be a great complement. basically I would put some drums and some chopped samples in beatmaker and make a couple of tight loops and then dump it into logic for more precise instrumentation and editing.

  • edited 11:18PM
    Here's my list:

    1. Audio recording
    2. Keyboard/Piano roll
    3. Tap button to set tempo
  • edited 11:18PM
    I think the pad release on-off option MUST BE be included. I don't want every sample to play the full length if I don't need to.This is a big problem for me at the mo
  • edited 11:18PM
    I would love for a virtual keyboard to be added!
  • edited 11:18PM
    definitly Triplets (1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32) along with zooming enhancement.
    AND INDISPENSABLE rythm signatures (7/4, 3/4, 5/8 ...)

    ... and many more but those two would turn this nice peace of software in something really USEFULL thanx to midi xport.

  • edited 11:18PM
    Where you can click the black Pattern square, to the left of each pattern channel - I'd like to be able to click, hold and drag the square up and down the pattern list in order to move similar patterns closer to each other. Some of my project files are a bit messy now, where I've used Duplicate and end up with 30-odd patterns all over the screen!

    I'd like to be able to use the cycle loop to define an area and use it to copy, insert or delete sections of the tune. For example, if I've made a song with a 16 bar verse that goes into a chorus, I'd like to be able to put the cycle around bars 1-16, copy, and then paste those in at bar 16 to make a 32 bar verse (so that my chorus is pushed ahead and now begins at bar 32). It's a bit painful at the moment tapping patterns on and off in order to recreate sections by hand.

    When swapping pad samples with the "load sample" feature, it would be nice to be able to audition sounds in the file browser. Given that you don't actually load the sample until you select "OK", the ability to click a filename and hear it wouldn't need a huge change in the current system. I say this with the confidence of a person who knows nothing whatsoever about the difficulties of programming for an iPod <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!-- s;) -->

    [EDIT] Another really simple improvement - make the software read the clock from the iPod and display it in the empty space at the top of Sequencer View! At the moment I have to remember to turn the screen off and then on again to see the time on the iPod's Unlock screen, and it's easy to forget time ticking away when you get lost in what you're doing.

    I've been very pleasantly surprised with how easy it is to change the speed of a break inside the iPod. By fiddling with the pitch and semi-tone controls, I've been fitting imported drum breaks into songs of a completely different BPM and it's a joy to be able to do that. Of course, once a break is adjusted in this way it's often out of tune with a song and in a perfect world it'd be desirable to be able to choose to pitch the sound without changing the sample's length. I do understand that this is a very tall order though - features like this would be extremely processor-intensive.

    If anyone from Intua is reading this, I'd just like to say that despite the potential there is for improving Beatmaker, you did an excellent job with version 1.0.2. I'm astounded by what's possible with this, and everyone I show it to loves it too. I have recording/publishing deals with two labels, and this software is most certainly not a "toy" as some people have dismissively said on this forum. I'm constantly importing and exporting my own sounds to and from the software and it's genuinely improving the amount of work I get done in a week. It amazes me that I have such a powerful program on a machine that fits easily in my pocket, and the software was so cheap too. Thanks for making it!
  • edited 11:18PM
    Definately the equivalent to 16 Pads = Tune button on the MPC

    mapping a sample in different pitches across the pads. Forget the keyboard, I don't play piano and the pads work just fine for me to lay some bass.
  • edited 11:18PM
    If anyone from Intua is reading this he-she will be totally confused. I mean, under 'must have for the new version' people crammed so many things if you count them alltogether no other app has. Not app, but desktop softwares too. Can we scale down the most necessary things we all agree on? That means no virtual synths and all that BS. Get real guys.
  • edited 11:18PM
    stolen from someone else::

    Pad Banks (16x2 at least)
    Multi kit loading.
    Ability to sample and chop mp3 on the ipod or iphone. <--- hmm? prob not

    Also my program crashes when loading packs in home screen and when loading them in pad screen
    not sure if this happens to others but that would be awesome to have fixed.

    It is an awesome application regardless and I hope will only improve.
  • edited 11:18PM
    Zooming's the big one for me. I can get triplets by doubling the speed so the quantisation "sounds" like it goes to32nds. And re-pitching the same sample over a number of pads works for me, for now (though automation on the pitch slide would be cool along with real time sample changes for each pad). I just want to see more of the sequencer. Great app though.
    <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) -->
  • edited 11:18PM
    I just bought a ipod for that wonderful app.
    my requests :
    - zoom
    - pan
    - reverb
    - ableton live song export
    - a Bugatti Veyron
  • edited 11:18PM

    I don't see how to create bars other than 4/4. I want to edit patterns with every kind of measures like 3/8 or 7/16 or whatsoever.

    Is this possible already, if: how?
    If not: this is my favourite requested feature.


  • edited 11:18PM
    LOOP POINTS FOR SAMPLES!! Maybe envelopes as well?
  • edited 11:18PM
    Now ...if they can add loop points per sample pads as mentioned plus different bar measures in sequencer..then I'd be verrrrrry happy.
  • edited 11:18PM
    so i think it would be cool to preview sounds before loading them into the drum pads. If I wanna add sounds from other kits, I dont like having to add it to the pad before I know what sound I chose. This would cut down on time looking for and loading sounds,.
  • edited 11:18PM
    Well, since it is a sample based program then why not give more control over the samples? Piano roll would be nice, but why is there no loop option where there are mute and reverse? By adding that one simple feature (sample looping option) the program would become exponentially more useful as a live tool. A mony/poly option per sample would also be good (especially if the sequencer is advertised as being "robust" or "fully-featured"). A price drop would've been great, but if these basic features were in place the cost would be more than justified.
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