chior inquire (hip hop)

just started so check out the beat and tell me what you think. i used the beatmaker and music studio on the iphone. i used different instrument on the music studio. choir, power chord guitar, grand piano, some other stuff and beat maker default beats. i recommend the music studio because it has a lot of instrument and they are original sound you make. i have the io.noise but get a little confused how to work it. well here is the beat.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=" m --> somar_einra


  • edited 2:49AM
    your link is broken, repost it bro
  • K, I heard it.
    As one of the residential yap runners on this forum, let me say welcome first.

    Just like the rest of us on here you're a rookie and your track has rookie mistakes, but that's what happens and you gotta crawl before you can walk, right?

    One thing I have learned from the pros is that you don't want your track to linger to long before you drop your beat. It's good to have at least a cymbal snare, cowbell, clav, something after your first 4 bars to build the tempo & start to get people into a groove. You let your track go too long without it people will get bored quick.

    You're rocking the generic drums from the kit which are just "so so". I'm not gonna shit on them because in some cases they have come in handy. I'm lucky in the sense that I know a good amount of DJ's and producers, So I've gotten a pretty decent amount of drum wav. files to work with. Your pattering with the drums was a little off and jumped tempo and the piano is a little bit flat, but again don't feel bad. I listened to my first track I made on here and some of the earlier ones and I cringe.
    I also get ideas on how to rework them since I have learned more. Take your time to really listen to music, & not the shit that's out there now but go back a few decades.

    Find a jazzy boom bap track and try to emulate those hits. note for note, tempo for tempo. It's good practice and gives you an idea of change ups and how to keep a flow with the track.

    When digging for samples my best advice, GO Obscure. America is not the only place that makes quality music. If you can find something with out drums on it, that's even better.

    Keep at it. It gets discouraging when people have nothing to say, I know. The input is needed to grow or to get an idea & you will get people that will try to discourage you as well. If you enjoy it. Do it. Even if for yourself.
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