Can we please, please, bring the Groove back?...

edited April 2011 in General
Just to be clear... BM2 is most excellent (even with the crashes!)

I know that in the next update/bug fix there bringing back non-destructive chop, but can you also bring back the "Groove" option in the pattern editor?

The NanoStudio-esque swing function is helpful, but no way near as good for the J-Dilla like freedom that real-time groove fixing had in BM1, I'm sure it could be added to the same area as velocity and ptich...

Please, please, please can we get it back?

I normally don't beg, but if pleading gets it, here it is! <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!-- s;) -->


  • edited 2:37AM
    Yes! I agree as well. I was doing some tests and found out that Bm1 actually has "THAT" swing, that Bm2 is missing from Groove.
    I even used the Mpc 1000 to test things out and found out that bm1 does have a MPC groove swing more so than Bm2 :/
    Hopefully this gets added.
  • edited 2:37AM
    The NanoStudio-esque swing function is helpful, but no way near as good for the J-Dilla like freedom that real-time groove fixing had in BM1, I'm sure it could be added to the same area as velocity and ptich...

    yeah .please intua, get back the groove fonction !!!, help to bring life to ours beats !! <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) -->
  • edited 2:37AM
    what does the groove swing do???
  • edited 2:37AM
    what does the groove swing do???

    Shift notes. Changes the way the notes are laid down (sequenced) to give your beat a more natural feel/sound to it.

    Listen to some DJ Premier. He uses a MPC60 that has a natural "Swing" without any adjustments.
  • edited 2:37AM
    Hopeffully they'll be putting it back in, and also non-destructive chop on the forthcoming update... fingers crossed! <!-- s:o --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_surprised.gif" alt=":o" title="Surprised" /><!-- s:o -->
  • edited 2:37AM
    Ok, first off there is a groove swing... It just isn't real-time..Go to pattern editor and highlight all the intended notes.. next you'll see a set of tools that appear as soon as you highlight the notes... press the musical note.. set to what you want...presto..

    Next, is the MPC-60 does NOT have a natural swing to it or else that would suck if you didn't want use it.. No such thing.. the thing is that you can set the quantize swing rate for the recording process,(same for all MPC's and MV's) which is what I'm tryin to convince Intua to do.. Recording your quantized swing is much better than recording normal, then swinging it after recording... And by the way, NS does this already... And you set it exactly the same as one of the big boys.. You set the quantize to swing instead of normal, set the rate you want, and record the style you want.

    Intua, please listen and put the swing shift within the recording quantize settings... PLEASE!
  • edited 2:37AM
    Ok, first off there is a groove swing... It just isn't real-time...

    That's the whole point of this post, it used to be real time AND for individual notes, having the option of having swing while recording ala NanoStudio is a good addition but it's no way near as versitile as the groove option on BM1, don't take my word for it, if you have BM1, try replicate the same complex 'groove' rhythm in BM2 and see how long it takes...

    The other thing about this option is the 'Happy accidents' you can come across when trying to get a feel on a pattern, you start off aiming one thing but end up with something you might not of come up with using overall quantising, sort of like playing notes on drumpads as opposed to a keyboards.

    Just saying as all...
  • edited 2:37AM
    Just to be clear... BM2 is most excellent (even with the crashes!)

    I know that in the next update/bug fix there bringing back non-destructive chop, but can you also bring back the "Groove" option in the pattern editor?

    The NanoStudio-esque swing function is helpful, but no way near as good for the J-Dilla like freedom that real-time groove fixing had in BM1, I'm sure it could be added to the same area as velocity and ptich...

    Please, please, please can we get it back?

    I normally don't beg, but if pleading gets it, here it is! <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!-- s;) -->

    DITTO!!! I love BM2, but doing swing live is a must. Tried to do it with with single notes, got boring quick. Oh yeah, since were on the topic of little things I loved about the MPC, how about the "Note Repeat"?
  • edited 2:37AM
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