Export to iPod

edited May 2011 in General
I know the BeatMaker app has a function to import files from the iPod app on the iPhone 4.
My question is: Is there a way to export a finished song mixdown to the iPod on my iPhone. That way I could make playlist of beats and listen to my music with out needing to run BeatMaker to do it.
I know that I can wifi the track to my PC and then sync it to the iPod that way but I'm after a solution that bypasses the need to off load to another device. I just want to be able to play my finished works in the iPod with out involiveng my computer. This way I can do it on the road, mobile style.
The other advange to this is that some other apps are able to import files from the ipod libray but are not able to copy or paste through Pasteboard. This would give an alternate way to share files between apps.

If anyone has a workflow tip or workaround to this I'd love to hear your input.

Also if the import from iPOD had and expot to iPOD feature that would be an awesome update for the next release.



  • edited 10:51PM

    Unfortunately, as of now the iPhone SDK does not allow developers to insert songs into the iPod library.

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