Lost content while upgrading

edited November 2011 in Support
Hi all,

While upgrading to 5.0.1 I got an error (fucking cheap USB cables...) and I was forced to restore my IPAD.

I expected that this restore process will recover ALL my contents, including all my BM2 songs, samples and instruments but it looks like apple restore does not cover this "extra" content.

What is the method that we should use to backup all our BM2 work?



  • edited 10:28PM
    Hi isoplex,

    Backing up of 3rd party (app) data is a common problem with iTunes. My guess is Apple chose not to backup certain data that is added after the apps install. My theory is they block multimedia data (audio, video, etc) to speed up sync and reduce the size of the backups. Imagine if every video you streamed through app X was transferred during sync/backup. It would take forever.

    I use iPhone Explorer to move around data. to be honest it's a bit if chore and requires patience and a bit of computer knowledge but as far as I've seen there isn't much out there that can get to files that iTunes refuses to backup. There are some paid apps (the maker of iPhone explorer has one) that simplify the process but I can't speak about them.

    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/41631/how-to-backup-and-copy-data-between-ios-devices/">http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/41631/ho ... s-devices/</a><!-- m -->
  • edited 10:28PM

    Yes, it is always recommended to backup *all^* your BM2 files using FTP before updating the operating system or BM2, as iTunes may not always backup your files correctly.

    More information about backing up your files using FTP can be found in the User Manual downloadable at:

    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.intua.net/media/intua/downloads/BeatMaker2_UserManual.pdf">http://www.intua.net/media/intua/downlo ... Manual.pdf</a><!-- m -->

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