How do I close beatmaker2 properly?

edited February 2012 in Support
I am having issues closing out beatmaker 2. It stays on in the background draining my battery and even more of an issue is the fact that the iPhone's audio doesn't work correctly afterward. The only way I am able to get my iPhone's audio working afterward is if I turn my phone off and turn it on again. Is there anyone else experiencing a similar issue and if so has anyone encountered a way to resolve the issue?


  • edited 1:38AM
    Sounds like your running out of memory (RAM)
    try double clicking the home button and closing the app or any other app thats running in the back ground to save on your device memory.
  • edited 1:38AM
    Yeah, had the same issue, double click on the home button on you're iPhone and quit beat maker and all yours sounds will return to your iPhone all your alerts ringtones phone vibration etc...

    Also set your beatmaker memory preferences to maximum!
  • Hi Obsidian11,

    By default, when minimizing or switching apps, BeatMaker 2 will still run in background. To save battery and restore system alerts/sounds, you need to close BeatMaker 2 by following these steps:

    – Double tap the Home button to bring up the multitasking bar
    – Press and hold anywhere on the multitasking bar until the icons start to wiggle
    - Press the minus button on the top left corner of the BeatMaker 2 icon

    Also, @Cellybeatz, using no memory limit can result in random crashes! You should always use a limit: 32MB for older devices, 64 or 96 for newer ones. As you say, it's good practice to close every other running apps to maximize memory and CPU.

    Hope this helps,
  • edited 1:38AM
    Thanks everyone! Your suggestions helped me to resolve the issue and taught me something I hadn't known about managing my iPhone.
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