Error "File not found"
Ok I moved all my beats and organized them onto my iPad from my iPhone 4s.. I moved everything, all my samples my personal sample library that I used to make my tracks etc. but for some reason even after I did a update database on the iPad. I keep getting a "error file not found" when I open my tracks on my iPad. Now I double checked and all these files are in my sample library in the same folder directory as they where on the iPhone. but now the app is saying it can not find them.. What should I do?
Please help me
Please help me
Last resort is you will have to manually find the samples from each and every preset and project. Bummer.
BM2's file handling is very strange, but then again each developer has to work around ios's already weird file system...
I haven't been using BM2 for very long, but I quickly realized a few things-
The default file system seems to want everything just plopped into the 'my content' folder, so I carefully removed everything via FTP and created three folders to put everything in:projects, presets (with subfolders keyboard and drum machine), and samples. If you use audio tracks, they will default to the 'my content' folder, as I don't know a way around this right now.
Always make sure to create presets of your instruments you use in your projects ASAP , and save them in the 'presets' folder. Do it. Even if they dont have any samples yet you will stay better organized!
When saving presets ALWAYS check the 'save samples' box.. It will create a subfolder and anything you add in the future will automatically save to this folder.
Good luck!
Apple needs to allow a my documents folder in ios...and the ability to do file level management on ipad...its ridiculous it gotta jailbreak to accomplish this with ifile...and no ifiles in the app store isnt the same thing...
So jailbreak if you want the ability to manage files on the ipad and also use memory stick backups and usb hard drives
Poeple with lots of video as well...especially you