Some sampling advice?

edited August 2012 in General
I have yet to successfully use samples in one of my beats yet. I've seen many YouTube videos ans beats made with samples and how good they sound, so I have been trying to sample some stuff.

I tried sampling songs on my iPid, and videos from YouTube as well. But it's never worked out. Mainly with the chopping, my chopped patterns end up with strange sounds at the end and they don't match the rest of my beat's BPM.

I do know how to import samples, and the steps to chop samples. But I would like some help.

Any advice on chopping would be much appreciated to begin with, since this is the hardest part for me.

Another obstacle is deciding what to actually sample. I'd like to know what you look for in a song to sample. Which parts you choose (such as intro, chorus, etc), what genre of songs you choose, and anything else you can think of that would help me.

I am so far just playing around and trying/hoping to figure it out but it just doesn't seem to be working properly.


  • edited 10:17PM
    For me it's find a song I like, find the BPM, the key,and work around that....Believe me ,mostly a song just clicks because I make an error that sounds good...I play the 8 bars looping over and over....But mostly I have songs that are not working for me.I think about 20 at the moment.
    Once I have a loop about 4 or 8 bars I find it important to use the "set sample tempo" function then "timestretch" to project tempo...Even if it's only 2bpm difference....I slice all different ways...4 bars I might do 16 slices then also 8 or 12..then edit bounds in pads.On that Sounds like you need to use "edit bounds" to get rid of those weird sounds at end.

    MOST IMPORTANTLY...I've watched every single video there is on Beatmaker over and over and over again and still pick up tricks and tips.
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