How do I transfer my iPhone files to my iPad?

edited September 2012 in General
So I just picked up a new iPad, yay me, but now 9gigs worth of work on my iPhone is stuck in there. I tried ftp'n but it always crashes. Any suggestions?


  • edited 10:06PM
    What crashed? BM2 or the FTP program you're using? Try a different FTP program. If you're on Windows, I recommend WinSCP.
  • edited 10:06PM
    FTP crashes from my Mac and Didnt wanna connect on my pc. What else can I try?
  • edited 10:06PM
    What FTP app were you using on your Mac? I used Cyberduck when I had a Mac. You could also try the trial version of Transmit: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

    Alternatively, you could upload your files in BM2 to Dropbox.
  • edited 10:06PM
    I had the same problems (for the same reasons). I found the more recent versions of Filezilla worked out fine but were a little temperamental (worked one in every 10 attempts) until i got onto then iPad for good. I'd make sure everything else is switched off on the iphone and your computer to make sure there's no interference.
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