MIDI: Learn ok, but then don't works

edited November 2012 in Support
Connecting an external midi controller (Fadderfox) via Alesis iODock.
In learn mode Beatmarker accepts controls, but then ignore them.
Tested with and without omni mode.
Any idea?


  • edited 4:24PM
    This should work. Did you saved your project? Otherwise all assigned CCs aren't set anymore. Right MIDI channel?

    Which controls (pots, buttons) of your faderfox did you used? If you assigned buttons, it will not work... I assume there is a MIDI receiving bug on all "on/off buttons" in BM2.

    On the other hand pots/encoders are working.
  • edited 4:24PM
    Hi still2.
    I think I tried all options.
    All type of controls, and different channels, etc. Of course I saved the project, and the midi confing too.
    And it learns them (when I move or press I see new controls received and assigned in the learn list view), but after that Beatmaker ignores them.
    Some time ago, I made some tests and they worked well.
    Seems pretty weird.
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