Time stretch quality of ver. 2.4 Vs. Hokusai

edited November 2012 in Support
I'm new to this forum, and beatmaker in general, and would appreciate any expertise you guys, and gals could send my way...all i need is to be able to import loops (i.e. BetaMonkey, DrumsOnDemand), and change the tempo without changing the pitch...I see that beatmaker can do this, but read in this forum that Hokusai did it better...with beatmaker's 2.4 upgrade it said, the "Time-stretch and pitch-shift quality/settings have been improved"...has anyone had time to compare as to whether they are at least as good as Hokusai, or possibly better?...

I appreciate any help you can offer...


  • edited 3:27PM
    Based on my testing of version 2.4 I must say that time stretching has definitely improved. The quality is much better. In previous versions stretched samples lost too much quality. With 2.4 most of the quality seems preserved. Time stretching in BeatMaker 2.4 isn't in the same league as Ableton Live's Time Warp, but it works. I got the chance to test Hokusai's quality, and between the 2 Hokusai is a little better. If you already have Hokusai stick with that, or you can spend $20 on BM 2 and get an awesome sample based music creation app. Your choice
  • edited 3:27PM
    Thank you so much for taking the time to answer. I think I'll go for beatmaker 2 on your advice. God bless.
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