Urgent update: 2.4.2

edited December 2012 in General
Hi everyone,

EDIT: It is now live on the AppStore : <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://bit.ly/TEZoeA">http://bit.ly/TEZoeA</a><!-- m -->

We have submitted today an urgent update which addresses one missing feature: the note repeat. We have contacted Apple to request a priority review for 2.4.2, so it should be available quickly. On the other hand, we have added the awaited iTunes file sharing feature. It really ease the process of transferring files in and out BeatMaker 2!

As usual, here is what have changed in 2.4.2:

► The note repeat feature is now working again
► Added iTunes file sharing (USB tranfers)
► Fix an issue where the browser would not restart in the last visited directory
► Improve MIDI clock sending

We would like to apologize for pushing one more update before Xmas!
The Intua Team


  • edited 10:37PM
    Please tell us you have sneaked Audiobus into the priority update <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!-- s;) -->
  • edited 10:37PM
    thats bad news times 2

    no audiobus in 2.4.2

    and no audiobus before xmas

  • edited 10:37PM
    Thank you thank you thank you!!!!
  • edited 10:37PM
    iTunes file sharing is actually a pretty big deal. Should have been there from the start.
  • edited 10:37PM
    Thanks for the update so quick! I don't use iTunes, I use iCloud and just ftp everything, but I'm sure many will be happy on that update. The browser fix was really great though. I constantly audition my samples and load from my personal samples folder. Nice to not navigate from the beginning every time.

    Really great work! Just more and more features and fixes. I like to see so many import options because I hear some complaints about BM 2 not having enough sounds, but it really is all up to the user how many sounds you can put in there to use.

    There is a post on Audiobus forum on how to use Audiobus, Sunrizer, BM 2, and Multitrack together. It explains about opening an empty keyboard preset to control Sunrizer, then using Audiobus to route Sunrizer into a Multitrack track to record.

    Anyway, thanks again for quick update and looking forward to next one very much.
  • edited 10:37PM

    There is a post on Audiobus forum on how to use Audiobus, Sunrizer, BM 2, and Multitrack together. It explains about opening an empty keyboard preset to control Sunrizer, then using Audiobus to route Sunrizer into a Multitrack track to .

    i posted this,i'm glad a few people noticed it <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) -->
  • edited 10:37PM
    Thanks for iTunes file sharing support!! <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) --> ... this was really needed!
    But honestly, did you tried out what you've done there?
    As far I can see, I just can export (from iPad to iTunes) the WHOLE "user" folder - which contains everything... also my 8GB sample library! So everytime I just want to save a single project/sample/whatever - I need to export >8GB?? This doesn't make sense.
    And also import (from iTunes to iPad) isn't working. When I upload my stuff it is always copied to the common BM2 folder - not the user folder - so nothing is readable! Do I miss something?

    Nice that the browser works a little bit smarter than before... But if it isn't remembering EACH state per EACH instrument (and also per drum pad), it doesn't make so much sense, too. My samples are organised in folders and sub-folders (completely common way). So when I've loaded i.e. a kick drum before and want to load (or change) a bass sound somewhere else, it doesn't make sense when I always need to browse all the way back and forth...

    The broswer should remember its state individually per instrument/pad - this global behaviour of the browser isn't an advantage, or can someone tell me in which case this should be helpful?
  • edited 10:37PM
    For importing content to BeatMaker via iTunes, you have to use the sharing panel after uploading your files.
    You can use a zip file if you want to import one or more folders at once, beatmaker will uncompress it.
    Your imports will be placed in your "My Content" folder.

    For exporting, I admit this is not ideal, but at least you can quickly back up your content for a new device for example.

    Hope it helps,
  • edited 10:37PM
    Thanks for the explanation, Vincent.
    For exporting, I admit this is not ideal, but at least you can quickly back up your content for a new device for example.
    Hmm, it seems to me that you (Intua) aren't aware that export (have all your work, songs, edited samples in a saved place) is the reason why the users asked for iTunes file sharing??

    All data you could import are reproducable! So, for this iTunes file sharing is not that important. But all your creative work (songs, etc.) you can't reproduce!! Please find a way to export your data better.
  • edited 10:37PM
    Still2: All your data (aka My Content/) is in the user/ folder, which you can drag directly from the iTunes file sharing.
  • edited 10:37PM
    It is still pretty easy to FTP all your data out of BM 2 if you need to also. I don't use iTunes, so that's how I do it.
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