Anyone jailbreaking for a better BM 2 workflow?
I'm curious to know how people are incorporating jailbreak apps into their music production. The only reason I jailbreak is because of 3 apps. They are ifile, Pwntunes, and protube. I also use quasar which is an amazing app especially for music making. I could live without quasar and maybe protube, but ifile and pwntunes just make life so much easier.
Quasar allows multiple apps to run on your iPad screen. So if you are using virtual midi you can have both apps in view.
Protube allows you to download YouTube videos. Great if your into sampling.
Ifile allows you to access a file system throughout your iPad. So you can copy files to and from any app even if it doesn't allow it or have file sharing.
Pwntunes creates folders on your iPad that allow you to add music straight to iTunes without having to sync with iTunes. Once pwntunes is installed you can connect it to any computer and it will appear as a hard drive with new folders you can access. You can not access the entire file system but you can add any files you wish to a downloads folder and from ifile transfer them where you want.
For example if you like to create in BM2 but mix in Auria, you can export the separate tracks in BM2, go to ifile and copy all the tracks from the BM2 user folder, then paste them in the Auria folder. Then all you do from there is load them up in Auria and your good to go. No computer needed and all tracks done in one shot. Just one way I use these apps together.
Any one else use it or even are against it? There are definitely cons like I am still on iOS 5.1.1 but I feel the pros out weigh the cons at the moment.
Quasar allows multiple apps to run on your iPad screen. So if you are using virtual midi you can have both apps in view.
Protube allows you to download YouTube videos. Great if your into sampling.
Ifile allows you to access a file system throughout your iPad. So you can copy files to and from any app even if it doesn't allow it or have file sharing.
Pwntunes creates folders on your iPad that allow you to add music straight to iTunes without having to sync with iTunes. Once pwntunes is installed you can connect it to any computer and it will appear as a hard drive with new folders you can access. You can not access the entire file system but you can add any files you wish to a downloads folder and from ifile transfer them where you want.
For example if you like to create in BM2 but mix in Auria, you can export the separate tracks in BM2, go to ifile and copy all the tracks from the BM2 user folder, then paste them in the Auria folder. Then all you do from there is load them up in Auria and your good to go. No computer needed and all tracks done in one shot. Just one way I use these apps together.
Any one else use it or even are against it? There are definitely cons like I am still on iOS 5.1.1 but I feel the pros out weigh the cons at the moment.
I haven't found much use for iFile, or many other JB apps besides quesar, in terms of music, it's a really solid directory browser (or whatever it technically is) even can do FTP, and send to Dropbox.
That pasting from BM2 to Auria is a brilliant idea though, thinks for sharing that.
I did see on youtube somewhere that you can use iFile to delete all of the stock samples that come with beatmaker if you need the extra space...
Jailbreaking does affect OS performance in various unforseen ways, depending on the jailbreak apps and tweaks you install. The Audiobus devs, for example, don't want to deal with support requests from jailbreakers due to the myriad of issues that can arise and cause performance problems.
One complaint I see with some BM2 users is that you can't move files where you want them to after they have been saved unless you have a computer with iexplorer, FTP, or use a Dropbox workaround. Is that correct?
With ifile I can copy any file where I wish and paste it anywhere within BM2.
Before sample tank received audio copy there was no way to get a sound from that app to BM2 without a computer using file share.
I also like to take sounds from GarageBand. I can take sounds and get them into BM2 without emailing a copy of the track to myself. I have found 2 ways to do this.
One is to export the track you want to file share within GarageBand, then copy the audio file to multitrack daw in ifile. This will then convert it to a wav inside multirack daw that can be pasted into BM2
Another way I use it with GarageBand is to export like before but copy the files to the my music folder that Pwntunes creates. I can put as many as audio files as I want then from there they will now be in my stock iPad music app. All you would do from here in BM2 is import from iPod and all your sounds will be where you want them. This method is especially good if you want to copy multiple files to BM2 at once.
There are apps that are crazy good like quasar which allows multiwindow on an iPad.
This makes multitasking and audiobus absolutely amazing. No need for the app flip and wait... The apps are there and easy to manipulate. Absolutely a game changing tweak.
iFile IS Finder for your iOS device. To say that it isn't useful or necessary is like saying it is unnecessary to have finder on your desktop computer. It's as easy as moving audio files from GarageBand or anywhere to any other app for audio... No audio cut and paste .. Just move them.
No - there are absolutely no performance problems on a jailbroken device. The issue is that many people load their device with pointless themes and tweaks that do nothing for workflow and pro use. Ther are about 5 or 6 essential tweaks which allow you to choose to use your device as you need to. There is no need to theme the shit out of your device, it's takes up memory/processing for no reason at all. So that being said - there are tweaks that SPEED UP work flow and animation transitions, therefore any worry about appswitch delays are baseless.
I've been jail breaking since my 3GS ... Sometimes I upgrade before a jailbreak is available and loose my jailbreak - or my new devices are usually not supported at first, it really doesn't screw me up too much, but there really so many more things I can do with my iPad, without my computer, that it's hard to not jailbreak when available.
If you worry about apple finding out and loss of warranty, worry not, I have had a couple of devices with cracked screens and faulty ports due to hardware damage, as long as the device cannot be booted up, or if you can boot up, restore to default settings before you return to apple and the jailbreak is gone with no trace. There are rumors amongst apple employees that a jailbreak can be seen forever even after a restore. NOT TRUE, this is a dumb scare tactic that is baseless. The software is being altered, not the device. Trust me like I said I've returned broken devices for new ones without any issue at all, jailbroken devices were even returned. If you looked into the reality of the process used to jailbreak, you'll know the processes used are always seamless, LEGAL(on iPhone for sure, iPad is a grey area though no laws exist to stop you), and 100% reversible at any point.
Lastly I wouldliketoexpress that jail breaking doesn't allow you to just install cracked apps, it's about enhanced work flow. As a matter of fact, installing cracked Apps is mainly seen as juvenile and "anti-jailbreak community" by the main people who create jailbreaks and tweaks. I have ever had a bug with an app that wasnt also a bug without a jailbreak. I always buy my apps and they have never been problematic on my jailbroken device unless it was a bug that was reproducible on my non jailbroken device.
Another tip... If you have one jailbroken device, it's usually enough, so you can keep your main device stock and jailbreak your secondary device as this allows you over wifi to use many of the features of the jailbreak through your other device(I know this is sorta unclear but this is true). Like if your iPhone 5 isnt jailbroken but your iPad 3 is, then you can use your ipad kinda like a computer and transfer files around.
To me, if the option is there to enhance your Device, you may as well try it.
There is a bit of a learning curve when jailbreaking and you should read a few tutorials, is great haven for that sort of info.
Best tweaks(most of these you have to pay for like you would an app on app store)
Sbsettings(customizable system toggles in your notification center)
Quasar on iPad for multi window
Mail more photos (allows you to break the 5 pic limit in the photos app and send as many photos in one email As you can)
Cameraconnector(big one for audio as it allows you to use your USB 2.0 audio interface with your iPhone or iPod touch, using the iPad camera connection kit.amazing and what everyone wants)
ifile(like finder for your iosdevice. Mount multiple thumb drives with a USB hub through the camera connection kit, it's like having infinte space on your iPad. Also, with some setup you can create central folders that are accessible though ALL apps, this totally eliminates the need for audio copy... Like a downloads folder that is in every apps documents folder, it's just like having a real open file system betweens apps.)
Theres more but I'm craving some audiobus so i'll shut up.
I am pretty pro user so the learning curve may be heavy for some, but with a small amount of OSx type knowledge you should be easily taught through YouTube videos and stuff.
Feel free to ask me some questions if you are on the verge of trying a jailbreak.
Fun fun fun Sunday.
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Have you tried using Pwntunes? It allows your iPad to mount to any computer which will then let you copy files to and from your iPad and even add music directly into the stock music app. I think pwntunes combined with ifile really makes your iPad like a computer because every file can be accessed and removed or added to your iPad.
With the one folder setup your talking about with ifile, is that done by using links for the files instead of actually copying them? Sounds like a great idea if there are no conflicting issues.
Yes using links within app document folders creates the ability to have central areas of the Hardrive dedicated to app file sharing. It's wonderful. I use it to link my downloads app to all media players and music apps. This allows me to download a video, and watch it from a media player without any file transferring or copy paste. It seems that as long as the app gives you some sort of subdirectory access, it works.
Here's another teaser image using audiobus and a few more apps with quasar.
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Lets say you go to a friends house or a studio somewhere and you want to either A) transfer files to another computer or
I guess I do use iTunes files sharing as I dont really Mind having it installed.
As long as all syncing and bs is off its pretty ok to use iTunes to drop some wave files into bm2 or multitrack or whatever.
I also use iphone explorer as its like a file manager and if jailbroken gives you full file system access from your Mac or pc its free tooo
Pwntunes is a Good method too..but I guess I don't have any friends to share with <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!-- s;) -->
On topic: I can suggest multitasiking-gesture sbsettings toggle to deactivate gestures when using certain apps.
Pwntunes creates about 4-5 folders by default that can be accessed from a computer. You have your basic photos folder that's viewable without a jailbreak then you have these:
My music - for importing music to stock music iPad app without syncing with iTunes
Purchased music - for exporting purchased songs from iTunes or songs that are synced to iTunes the normal way
Downloads - a folder for pretty much anything. This is also the default directory for downloading files with safari download manager which is also a great app as well.
Safari download manager - not part of pwntunes but this allows you to download from any website. So you can download a drum kit from and unzip the file with ifile. Then you can copy the drum samples to BM2. Again all without the use of a computer.
The downloads folder is pretty much the main reason I use pwntunes. Anything I want to take off my iPad I cut and paste to the downloads folder. Anything I want to add I cut and paste from my computer to the downloads folder. Either way it's all a matter of cut and pasting where I want the files from within ifile.