Don't know, what you mean by that, but the Drum Sampler (Pads) definitely doesn't react to pitch bend.
...which I think is sad, I used it in other Sequencers a lot. I know, I could load these drum samples on the keyboard sampler, but a solution on Pads would be more handy.
IIntua: Is it basically possible to implement that or are there restrictions in nowadays standards for pitch bend in Pads?
Speaking of pitch bending, is there any way to adjust the amount of semi tones from the default -2? I would love to be able to jump an octave with a -12 semi tone setting.
Don't know, what you mean by that, but the Drum Sampler (Pads) definitely doesn't react to pitch bend.
...which I think is sad, I used it in other Sequencers a lot. I know, I could load these drum samples on the keyboard sampler, but a solution on Pads would be more handy.
IIntua: Is it basically possible to implement that or are there restrictions in nowadays standards for pitch bend in Pads?