Comparison of BM 2 to PC drum samplers

edited January 2013 in General
Recently I bought Poise for PC. An MPC style sample player in vst only format. I also bought a big purchase Christmas present to myself by buying Geist and 6 expansion packs.

What I found was that as a Drum Sampler/player with sequencer, BM 2 has an overwhelming value to features set unrivaled by competition.

Poise - $50
Geist with expansions at the $99 sale price for holidays which is over now and back to $249. I paid $279 for sale price and expansions
BM 2 - $20

Ponder on that for awhile before you think of next complaint.

Intua has some features that neither implemented.
Others have some features that could easily be done in updates for BM 2

Nothing touches Geist on iOS platform, but BM 2 has such a feature set to make it very satisfying churning out beats with my own samples and even some kits that come with it.

How is that for bang for your buck!

Intua - fantastic job on BM 2 so far.


  • edited 7:41PM
    Yes, BM2 is well worth the $20 I paid for it. There's software and hardware out there that costs 10x or 100x what BM2 does, yet lacks certain functions BM2 does have.

    Simulated velocity sensitivity on the drum pads would be a killer addition to BM2. I think GarageBand does something similar...?
  • edited 7:41PM
    I dont ever think that beatmaker 2 is overpriced in any way...its twenty bucks...thats an incredible value!!

    I am suggesting intua charges to to bigger better things with beatmaker 3
    <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!-- s;) -->

    I think it becomes time to move forward...after such a long support time...leave beatmaker2 at twenty bucks...for those who are fine with that system

    Build beatmaker professional for those of us who will pay more to have the very best ios sampler period! <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) -->)
  • edited 7:41PM
    I have invested over 250.00 in auria... Just sayin.
  • edited 7:41PM
    I have spoken to quite a few devs who have told me once an app gains many new features from its original becomes harder and harder to fix it...sometimes its better to leave it for a new slate, building a more streamlined app from lesson learned.
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