BM2 doesn't recognise .bm2 file

edited January 2013 in Support
Hi all

So I copied a project file to my Mac for archive purposes using DiskAid. Now I have copied it back to my iPhone, BM2 can't 'see' the file for some reason. Any ideas?

Many thanks



  • edited 1:53AM
    Ive had that issue too. If you're only importing the bm2 file and not the sounds or samples that go with everything in that project, I think you have to import the bm2 file to the same directory that it was created in.

    Are you using the copy samples option? I think if you choose the copy samples option you will not have this issue and you can import it where you wish including exchanging between the iPhone and iPad apps.

    I have had this issue with presets I have made as well. I think it has something to do with the project file not really having sounds in it but instead having links to sounds in the BM2 app. If you change the link or move the project file I'm assuming the sounds in the BM2 app no longer have the same link to the project file. If you use the copy samples option all of the samples in your project are now copied to a new folder along with the bm2 project file. This creates a new link to the sounds but since they are now in a new folder along with the project file, that folder can be archived because everything is now in the same directory.

    Did that make sense?
  • edited 1:53AM
    Hello Gareth,

    Copying files manually with a third-party program is not the best way to transfer files, but there is a simple solution to your problem.

    1. Exit BeatMaker 2: put it in background, then double-tap the device home button to bring the running apps toolbar. There, hold the BeatMaker 2 icon and once it starts moving, press the red cross.
    2. Open the iOS "Settings" app, find BeatMaker 2.
    3. Find the "Update database" switch and turn it on.
    4. Launch BeatMaker 2 again.

    If you want to transfer files you can either use the iTunes file sharing option or use a FTP client.

    Here are two guides:
    iTunes file sharing: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ith-itunes</a><!-- m -->
    FTP: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ansfer-ftp</a><!-- m -->

  • edited 1:53AM
    Perfect! Worked a treat, thanks for the tip.

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