nasty metallic sound after applying fade in/ out

edited March 2013 in Support
hi, to give some background:

1- I recorded a hardware synth in stereo into a beatmaker audio track
2- I trimmed the audio sample to the length of the loop I wanted
3- to try and eliminate clicks on looping, I faded in and out a small portion at sample start/end

the results were a chirpy, metallic squeak sound upon loop, instead of the click. when I use fade in/out over longer pieces of audio, I can clearly notice a metallic sound given to the original timbre. it seems to me in this circumstance that fade in/out is altering the audio in some way more than simply changing the volume as intended

while on this subject- I would really appreciate a simple way to trim an audio sample to the exact bar length that I need to use in the composition. snapping the trim markers to certain intervals would be a huge plus in this regard, or, highlight the section of audio used in a track clip when you double tap to edit, so you just need to press 'trim' to get the exact piece of audio.


  • edited 10:00PM
    Yes, I've noticed that metallic sound as well. To get around the problem, I use the NanoStudio sample editor for fading samples in and out. NS also allows you to zoom in vertically as well as horizontally, and has a 'zoom to selection' feature which BM2 does not have. It's a much better basic sample editor IMHO.

    In order to trim a sample to an exact number of bars, I would assign it to a drum machine pad and then resample. It's a workaround but it works! The auto-chop feature can then be used to add fades of a precise length (i.e. one beat) if required.


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