Tracks don't always save even after choosing to save.

edited March 2013 in Support
I just started using this app and I love it but I'm frustrated with a few things. First, after creating a new sequence using the sampler pad I'll select the loop in the arrange view and copy it by clicking the (+) tool to have another one to alter and add to I'll do this several times and then merge them, I always save the session after any alteration I'm happy with but when I close the app and return to the session it will be reverted to before I made the changes and I'll lose whatever I created. Second, a lot of times when I'm altering a copy of a loop I made it will alter all the other loops so I'll create another track and move a copy down to it and it won't let me change the pads individually without changing the first track's pads. It seems like the new track should be able to have it's own settings.
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