Major recording loss - bug or feature?

edited April 2013 in Support
Hi all,
I am using the latest BM 2 and was really enjoying using it as an AudioBus target. Til now.
In reading other posts, I got the idea to organize my project as follows:

1. Open project that had about 5 audio files recorded from audio bus.
2. Do a "Save as" under new name with the copy samples box checked - the intention was to save the project and move its audio files into a named folder.
3. Delete old project

I executed steps 2 and 3 and to my surprise, I have a new project with an EMPTY samples folder and to make it all the worse I have an EMPTY recordings folder.

So, anyone else see this or did something just go horribly wrong for me? As this stands, I won't use this with my current lack of confidence that my work won't be lost. I do backup, but not that frequently and there are many other options for Audiobus targets that don't seem to lose data.

I'm using a 3rd gen iPad - usual disclaimers, not jailbroken, nothing else running, etc.


  • edited 4:10AM
    Sorry to hear you lost work...
    Just tried to duplicate but can't. The new copy has all of the samples and audio files it should.
    Did you try to save the copy inside the folder of the original?
  • edited 4:10AM
    Sorry to hear you lost work...
    Just tried to duplicate but can't. The new copy has all of the samples and audio files it should.
    Did you try to save the copy inside the folder of the original?

    Thanks for the prompt response and thanks for trying to reproduce.
    My exact steps were:
    1. Open project (i.e. "My Project").
    2. Select "Save As" and check the "copy samples" - typed in "My Project - final"
    3. Go back to Load project, select Edit, and then deleted the "My Project"

    Result was that new project was saved but the "My Project - final Samples" folder is empty.
    Also, my ENTIRE recordings folder is also now empty. This contained about 15 audio files that I had used in many other songs. The old songs are still there but now won't open since their audio files are gone.

    Thankfully I don't use BM2 often and only lost perhaps 3 songs worth of data. For me this is a show stopper. I've been blogging about Audiobus targets and this was becoming my favorite. Not true for now. Hope there is something you can find. If I get adventuresome, I'll give it another go sometime soon - for now I'm moving on - no offense. I'm sure its hard to duplicate considering the many possible configs.

    In general, and this is just feedback, the file approach in BM2 strikes me as backwards. BM2 seems to assume that most people when saving audio files want to use them in many projects so the files are all sort of shoved in one folder. That is really more of an exception than the norm. Most the time I want the files to be unique to a project and RARELY would want to use them across projects.
  • edited 4:10AM
    Many of us here feel your pain with the file handling...
    It sounds like a bug, because your recording folder shouldn't be touch.
    I suspect that you may have deleted your copied project, though, as BM2 brings you right back into the project folder you were working in.
    So basically, your new project is in a folder inside of the old one, and you may have deleted the whole thing (which it allows you to do even if the project is open for some reason)

    Good luck and check back for a solution!
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