Anyone know of any good sampling tutorials?

edited June 2013 in General
I'm trying to get the hang of sampling music all over again. But I'm just not understanding it. I mainly want to flip samples with a hip-hop style. But because I haven't done it in so long it's like I'm starting all over again with sampling and like I never sampled before in my life. I originally took a break from sampling but I want to get into again.

Can someone help me or point me in the direction of where I can find some good tutorials?


  • Hey dee

    The sampling in BM2 is excellent imo. I normally grab from ipod music filled with funk and soul.
    1. Import the sample and in the editor trim to the loops I want, sometimes several times from the same master piece of music. 
    2. I then bpm them as they may have differing bpm for each loop. This  is really easy, go into bpm section of the sample. Hit the button that toggles time/frames/bars to bars and line up the bars that you've grabbed which will give an accurate bpm count i.e. 5 on the bars should line up with the end of a 4 bar loop.
    3. I then go into to sample  process and make the sample the same bpm as my project. 
    4. Finally I add the chops usually with the autochop for a solid loop, sometime by hand for more tricky pieces. You can then save the sample as aaif files and then once you've done that export as chop preset. Theres a button with a cog on the top left  that allows you does that for you save and export the sample and chop as a preset.
    5. Then I load the preset onto a pad bank within a drumpad instrument. I normally create separate instruments and tracks for drums, bass, main instruments and pads. I could have multiple drum chop presets on one drum machine track loaded onto the 8 banks abcdefgh etc.  This makes it easier to track out and fine tune a DAW if your going to do it that way.  
    From there you have a full play the loop or individual parts and to do as you please with it. I often just jam away until I get something I like then manually fix timings and change the arrangements in the midi veiw.

    This whole album was created with BM2
  • Also this vinyl release was made with BM, so pro results are possible! 

  • Nice man. I will try out your method.

    But I wonder. Do you usually just chop ever beat of the loop?
  • You can check this tutorial as well:

    And my suggestions, after you get the basic hang of sample flipping, try to remake one of your favorite beats. This could teach you a lot. You can find many examples on youtube. Here one:
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