Bugs with delay effects etc

edited January 2014 in Support
Some irritating issues I have encountered:

1) The Delay functions as a ping-pong delay when set to 1/64, 1/32, 1/4 and 1/2. It functions as it should only when set to 1/16 and 1/8.

2) When a sound is sent to the Stereo Delay, the first echo occurs *at the same time* as the source signal, which has the effect of increasing the volume of the source signal. This can be demonstrated by sweeping the High Cut control from 20kHz to 20Hz.

3) At least in the track I am currently working on, the Send knobs route signals to FX05, FX01, FX06 and FX07 instead of FX01, FX02, FX03 and FX04.

Intua, can you give any indication of when these problems will be fixed? Particularly issue 1 - surely a functioning basic delay effect is absolutely essential to any DAW?

Many thanks



  • Don't get me wrong, BM2 is great software and I love the touch interface style of working so much that I don't think I will ever go back to a conventional computer, but sometimes I look at Logic on the Mac and think .... if only ....
  • edited January 2014
    Iso music is in its infancy and what we have gotten in the last year in iso apps has been amazing.....Given their is bugs but all those desktop apps in there beginnings all had bugs.
    I'm happy to live with those bugs for now as long as i can still bang out decants beats on the plane, train or shitter.

    Sorry I gmtfd don't know much about the delay. you could try other apps for effects like turnado

  • Indeed it is in its infancy, and as iDevices get more powerful I'm sure we will get more professional software.

    Re. using external FX apps: is it possible to route an individual instrument or drum machine pad from BM2 to an external app, and then back again?

  • Thanks for the help, but that isn't really what I need, I need to be able to tweak my FX while I work. Funny how we end up using iOS DAWs like multitrack tape machines, fast-forwarding to the past...
  • edited January 2014
    gmtfd- Ok here is what I found, I hope it helps...

    #1 I messed with the stereo delay a bit and , I found that I had to retweak the feedback knobs constantly to get the intended effect. And where is the actual delay knob... by milliseconds?
    #2 which is the most basic and unacceptable behavior.. Yes there is a dry copy of the sent signal even when the wet mix is at 100%. Maybe something happened in the code when Intua switched the unpopular pre fader to post fader sends. Personally i would like to see a button to enable either option.
    #3 I can't seem to recreate your sends issue.. any way I could look at the project?

  • dubhausdisco - I downloaded BeatMaker 2 yesterday. I do think it's an amazing app, but that "dry signal in the delay mix" was one of the first issues I noticed too. Like you said, it's probably just a mistake in the code. But I do like how the Reverb has separate faders for DRY and WET. Would've been nice if the Stereo Delay used a similar layout.
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