IMPC Pro is submitted to the App Store

edited June 2014 in General
This could be trouble for BM2..Oh no.

Let's see how good it is when it is released. If it as good as they claim it is, Intua might get put on their toes with this one and as they say competition always brings the best out of people so lets see how this all plays out.


  • 1. It's made by Retronyms, which automatically makes it NOT a heavyweight anything.
    2. No audiobus right out the gate...which cripples it's use by 30-50% for me already.
    3. Submitted with no price announced...frightening!
    4. Retronyms loves the Iap wonder how many this thing has?

    I'm just not all
  • Look at the hype on the Stryke app....bahahahahaha suck fest
  • edited July 2014
    Stryke sucks? Damn!

    I got more hope for this though. The log videos make it seem like it will be better than impc.
  • any thing Retronyms sucks

  • True, but this has promise.

    Plus it's going to be 12.99 at launch and launch tuesday I might give it a whirl and if I get let down I don't want either of you to say I told you so 0-0
  • I noticed Akai even is starting to suck because with Mpc Element they give you ome whack software that can only record one track per sequence which is just terrible and if you want better software you need to spend more money. It just sucks..
  • Intua needs to let us have a time frame right about now? Because this impc pro is just barely going to beat bm2...if it indeed does beat it at all.
  • I agree, I don't want Akai winning. They seem to be more about money these days then with the musician in mind. At the same time I'm sure intua will think of something and they have the upper hand with all the feedback we gave in that thread and the fact they are releasing after. They could see what impc pro has to offer and try to top it lol.
  • Also I notice with the reviews for IMPC I do not see one written. No one wrote a review on it yet they rated it. I find that a little Odd.
  • Wont be hard to top
  • Yaaaaaaaaaawn..... Goes to show that people will buy anything with "Akai" slapped on it.
    Bm2 has done most of that stuff for years now...
  • Impc pro is a fail mostly
  • Damn a whole bunch of issues are going on with it. Like it using up a lot of ram for no reason and all kinda crap...You guys were right.

    I guess when I saw the name MPC I psychologically thought it would be great. On the bright side I got it for cheaper then I would have if I waited.
  • No stem export is a deal breaker for me.
  • Here ya go impc mostly suck, because just like tabletop you will not out put on my apogee duet like every single app on my ipad does flawlessly. If you cant integrate with pro ios hardware you are waaaaaaaaack
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