Backing Up And Reading From USB or SD Card storage

edited August 2014 in General

I was considering buying a new 128gb iPad Air, however I'm trying to find a cheaper alternative for my concern, I want to back up my audio files from BM2 onto an usb card via a camera connection kit from an iPad 3 32gb, it would be great if I could also read from it, especially two things in one go, I could use an SD card to store my audio files, and read into BM2, and also free the usb connector for a keyboard. I plan to start performing live and have produced more than 450 tracks, but I want each set to be unique, with different parts of different tracks playing via BM2 also with live keyboard performances routing through Audiobus. I find that like the next level compared to Djaying already produced tracks, also if I progress I could also manage a few live sessions while performing, via Samplr by recording samples from what's playing in output or sessions on other music apps which might not be Audiobus compatible, like iMPC, please could you give us this option to move audio files from device to SD card or usb to transfer onto a computer to back up, in case internet is very weak, or would Apple not allow it. I mainly produce on Intua and have been producing since 2009, I have a sound cloud account, and a website Please since my internet connection is really bad, as though NSA are tampering with it or Sky are curtailing it, I cannot move bulk folders or files which I highlight, and sometimes moving one file takes ages working as low as 90kbps, when I have a fibre optical internet line from Sky, and it is supposed to be 8mbs upload and 15mbs download, my computer is a mac mini 2012, the latest, but not the highest spec, but still the internet performs as though it's ten years ago.



  • I suggest you get a dropbox account, intua will recommend and advice...
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