Using BM2 drumkits in BM3
I have gigabytes of drumkits in my bm2 folder, by using the ftp method. How do I go about using those drumkits in bm3? I know you can record them into bm3 but that's counter productive. I know you can use dropbox but then I'd end up with double of everything on my ipad wasting gbs of space, instead of there being a way to access them thru bm3.
You can always delete them from dropbox afterwards. Or remove them from your iPad
The easiest way would probably be to use iTunes (I know), or iFunBox, to get them off BM2 and then transfer them back to BM3
I still want to use bm2 so if I deleted them off my ipad I wouldn't be able to use the drumkits in bm2 anymore.
Either way, you don't need to leave them in dropbox once you've transferred them. Or you could use iFunBox/itunes to do the transfer. I don't think there's a way to access files in BM2 from BM3.
Yeah not worried about my dropbox storage at all. I'm just saying since I have all my drumkits already in a location on my ipad (bm2 folder) they should make those folders accessible through the bm3 app instead of having to import them again to bm3. That doesn't make sense . I know alot of people are coming to bm3 after years of using bm2. So hopefully intua adds this feature in an update.
That's an Apple "feature", hopefully iOS 11 will rectify that issue.