Point pad destination to another pad

edited July 2017 in Feature Requests

This idea just came to me. Since a plugin can only be added to one pad and all you can do to play it at that point is to use notes, it would be nice to be able to direct pads to send their pad note to a different pad.

Say for instance I have Ruismaker set up on Pad 1. Ruismaker is set up so that by default it uses the black keys starting at C#2. So, I set Pad 1 to C#2. Now I would like to set Pad 2 to D#2 to play Ruismaker's next note. But, in order to do this I would need to load another instance of Ruismaker on to pad 2. That's unnecessary overhead (and crashes BM3 - but I think you know that already).

It would be so much simpler if I could set pad 2 to D#2, then set it so that it's output goes to pad 1. This seems like it would be easy to do and would have many, many applications - especially for IAA, which can't load more than one instance.

I hope you'll consider it!


  • Im hoping that they just do a MIDI loopback, that would have this covered perfectly.
  • edited July 2017

    One of my suggestions during beta was to allow internal routing of the pad inputs & outputs similar to midi-routing.
    In practice It would be 'midi routing' with all the the pads available as inputs & outputs...

    This way you could set a pad to 'listen' to the output from another pad or control multiple pads from one pad without locking them in to 'link groups'.

    I got a +1 for this idea during beta so I guess it could mean there's a 'ticket' ready for it waiting to be implemented :)

  • @samu +1. Sounds promising :)
  • @Heyez said:
    @samu +1. Sounds promising :)

    I know, but before that happens I think we need to get the 'pure midi pads/tracks' working.
    Meaning enable midi for a pad without loading a plug-in or sample to it.
    (The empty pads do transmit midi to the destination set for the bank but there is no way to change the destination per pad without loading a sample or plug-in to it).

  • OT, but I ran into an issue tonight where playing an IAA on one bank was sending notes to both it's bank and another bank. Midi out was disabled in the plugin and there was no midi in set on the other bank, but notes were going there anyway. Do you know if this is a known bug? If not I'll test/document it better and report it.

  • Some IAA apps are quite 'strange' when it comes to handling midi.
    They respond to both the 'host' that is sending midi and the external controller at the same time.
    Some IAA apps that just use 'virtual midi' seem to listen to all ports at the same time so it doesn't matter how the host is configured :(

    I try to avoid IAA as much as I possibly can.

  • edited July 2017

    @samu said:
    Some IAA apps are quite 'strange' when it comes to handling midi.
    They respond to both the 'host' that is sending midi and the external controller at the same time.
    Some IAA apps that just use 'virtual midi' seem to listen to all ports at the same time so it doesn't matter how the host is configured :(

    I try to avoid IAA as much as I possibly can.

    No, the point was no midi was being used. Pure IAA. There was some internal routing issue where notes from one bank were simultaneously going to another. The exact same two IAA plugins with the same settings don't do this in Cubasis or Auria Pro.

    OK not a known bug and I need to go do my homework and report it properly.

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