Midi learn problem
I went to assign some pads on my Launchkey 49, using focus actions. The 16 pads assigned properly, but any time I tried to assign any other button on the Launchkey, whether it be faders, transport buttons, etc, it would suddenly scroll to the top of the list, and when I'd go down to check and see if it assigned properly, it always assigns to some other random function (such as octave select).
Do not use auto learn
Well, I'd like to. Hence, the bug report.
Midi Learn Bug Confirmed Video (4:22) 3.0.6
2 Bugs:
1. Scrolling Issue
2. Random Assignments
Primary Issues:
1. Why is it jumping to top of page?
Current Workaround:
and then it is possible to see how does it work with BM3, video maybe ?