Remove Auto-Saved File Feature
It would be great if BM3 will just simply automatically save the last session without creating any separate "auto-saved" file. First of all, this will definitely save space and won't be confusing to open a session.
It would be great if BM3 will just simply automatically save the last session without creating any separate "auto-saved" file. First of all, this will definitely save space and won't be confusing to open a session.
@Suboidua unless you've got a huge number of auto saved sessions the space you save is nil, a few megabytes on average. Just save your stuff and do some housekeeping from time to time and let the app do its thing. It's a ways off from being stable and the auto saved files have been a lifesaver to people like me already on a number of occasions.
The auto-saves are super handy and I would be sad to see them go.
When I do a 'save session with samples as' I almost treat them as 'templates'.
So if I mess around with that session and don't like where it's going I can always revert to the last saved session if I don't like the changes or do a 'save' or 'save as' If it turns out to be good
We can be thankful the BM3's auto-save are not like the ones in ModStep that saves a session snapshot every 10 seconds and has a age-timer on each snapshot...
So -1 to the idea in the thread-topic.
An additional suggestion would be to have an option to automatically load the last auto-save without even showing the startup screen, this is how Cubasis works and I like it.
+1 honestly...
Agreed, no start page, load last autosave works for me. Maybe with an option to start with an empty project (for/ or when third party apps like ab3/aum launch it)
Automatically loading the last autosave - careful with this idea. Was it not that which other hosts had to stop doing in case the session was crashing right after every load. I believe this is why AUM started with an extra tap needed for load last session.
Yeah, ModSTEP had that problem when loading certain AUv3.
They solved it by disabling auto-load/instantiation of plug-ins.
This is the feature that I dislike in Cubasis. Especially when a project is crashing on me.
The lack of saving control is an eyebrows meeting thing.
I would like to be able to save as many versions of a session as I would like, without having to save all the samples AND without having to move the new saved session to the folder of my choice.
I like how in APro I'm able to save snapshots (it's possible to load user-saved snapshots from any time, a year ago - 2 years etc)
Not sure if auto-save is an issue for me, it's not harming, and I have depended on them on occasion.
BM2 n BM3:
Added: One thing I would like to see changed is the cut to black between splash and start screen.
Think it's unnecessary and a little eyebrow meeting.
let's say you open the auto-saved file and continue working on it, will it yet save again another auto-saved file, or just replace the actual auto-saved file?
i imagine there is no way to turn off auto-save? quite often i just try out something in BM3 with no need to save it (such as technical test or whatever), and it drives me nuts to have all those sessions saved.
In my experience, there were more than a few times I couldn't remember if I definitely saved my session before closing the app, so I decided to load the autosave just to be sure I wouldn't lose the last few edits I had made previously.
With my autosave version loaded, the next time I press save it overwrites the original non-autosave session (which is the behaviour I would expect/hope for).
The cool thing is it means I have the option to, as Samu mentioned, experiment with the autosaved project (knowing it won't affect anything in the saved version unless I tell it to) and then later choose...
(a) Press 'save' to update/overwrite the master session
(b) Press 'save as' and create a new version number for the track (eg add 'v2' to the end)
(c) Press 'save as' and fork everything into an entirely new named session (I do this if I feel my latest edits are moving the track in an entirely new direction.
On that note... would be great if they showed this message only when there has been a change to a project. If no changes have happened, then don't show the message. There were no changes to the auto save when I selected another project, unlike what was shown below. Playback on the transport is not a "change" for example. I realise there are different views on this, but +1 first load brings you directly to the last saved project... assuming one does not get caught in reload hell with a plugin fault that is...
I want this to work in standard ways too.
Since I'm also using Cubasis pretty frequently on my iPad the way it handles 'auto-saves' is pretty much 'perfect'.
If I need to make a version or copy to 'mess around with' without fear of loosing the original I can just use the 'snapshot' feature to do so. Apart from the earlier (pre 1.9) versions with shaky undo I've never lost anything major while working with Cubasis which I can't say about BM3 yet...(It's a PITA to hunt down the semi-random crashes).
Another app with next to perfect 'Autosave' is Apple's Garageband which I've really grown to really like lately.
(It's easy to treat it as a 'Launchpad' but with the added option to easily create/record custom loops, and I dig the 'DJ Effects' it has). Once you've imported your custom samples using iCloud Drive/Document picker the sampler is quite a blast too especially considering you can easily add IAA/AUv3 effects to them.
During beta those two apps served as my 'reference' as to what to expect from BM3 and and auto-saves and 'editing' but it's not fully there yet...
Its miles from fully there, i Rarely use Cubasis or Garageband, but if they are saving multiple autosaves per session instead of just one, then they are not perfect in my eyes.
Let's just say there are no multiple auto-saves in either Cubasis or Garageband.
It's just that the stuff gets saved more frequently(ie. after almost every change/edit) than BM3 so the risk of loosing changes is minimised if the app should crash or gets 'flushed' out of ram due to in-activity or 'swipe closed' by the user.
When it comes to BM3 I as a user can never be sure when BM3 actually auto-saves stuff so If I close the app or it crashes I have no clue what the last 'state' that was saved looks like...
I just don't want ten auto save files for every session, it should never ever save more than one autosave, it should all be preference options, autosaves are a back up for crashes, not a history feature, if people want a history feature (Which could easily be based on this feature by the way) this should be listed elsewhere, if the app crashes you should be able to find one and one only autosave, that saved previous to the crash based on a time set in preferences.
Autosave options in prefs...
Tick box for on/off.
Time box to choose how often it autosaves.
Tick box for unsaved session auto save on/off.
Using the same set up for history..
Every time a new autosave is created, move the previous autosave to a history folder within the session folder (This option would only be available with saved sessions)
Now in the browser you would have an archived history folder in the session folder of that particular song.
Obviously these features should always be off anyway during any kind of live performance, something that we cant do currently anyway.
But discussing this here is all moot anyway @mathieugarcia hasn't been here for two weeks and @vincent hasn't been here for over a month, I think it is safe to say that this forum is just users helping users now (which is fine) i'm currently undecided if i should bother keeping the bug and feature request list up to date
1. Bulletproof crash & RAM-flush protection _(highest priority)_
2. Auto-save and launch flexibility/preferences _(desirable)_
3. Elimination of ~95% of bugs _(ongoing process, as discovered)_
In stability terms, I'd give BM3 a B+
(good but could do better)
.. this is based mainly on use with the following AU plugins: iSEM, Poison, Zeeon, everything by BramBos, FAC chorus and the lovely Audio Damage effects
Yeah plugin support needs to get better, but i think they need to start getting all these file issues out of the way first.