A new sequencer but...Where's the Groove?????
Hi, perhaps i don't see it, but in the step editors we can't anymore change manually the groove ??????? We just have to choose with 1/16, 1/16t in step resolution, .... but we can't define exactly the start of a key in a pattern???? Why but why????
tell me i'm wrong...please
tell me i'm wrong...please
Actually, if you want to define *exactly* where a sample will start to play, it is better to change the resolution of the step sequencer to something higher (like 1/32) and place the step accurately. This practise is much more accurate than with the old Groove Editor, and also permits you to add more than 16 active steps on each track !
Anyway, as we were saying in another thread, if some people find it quicker or funnier to use the Groove Editor to change the timing of a step, we might put it back again for version 1.3.1.
Intua Team
Ive got an mpc so i live grooveee
I mentioned this in the other thread but it's worth saying again. The finer resolution is great and essential, but it is not a replacement for the groove editor, just at the groove editor is not a replacement for the finer resolution in the step sequencer. These are separate features and I think people will use them to do different things - in one case I have decided the notes I want and I want to create a slightly different feel (groove). In the other case I am trying to create rhythms that are more complex than I can do with 16th notes.
That said, I cried tears of sadness when I saw that the groove edit features were axed. After all, everytime I beamingly showed the app to somebody they suspected Beatmaker was just a toy until I flipped to the groove edit page. Groove edit makes Beatmaker the real deal. It should be enhanced, not eliminated.
Please, please put it back.