AB3 for midi routing with BM3

Can someone explain how midi routing would work with BM3 using AB3? Im getting by well enough with AB2 but would there be any benefit to using AB3? I'd like to just open AB3 and route say 16 channels out of BM3 to a generator like Gadget and reroute it's audio back to BM3 or perhaps Cubasis. Has anyone had any success or difficulty with this?


  • edited August 2017

    I would also like some help on this.

  • you are probably better off in AB2 at the moment , as BM3 does not seem AB3 midi compatible , & using the MidiFlow Adapter which is usual strategy for this creates crazy number of ports in BeatMaker , as I reported previously in Bug Reports
    & which once again seems to be missed by @mathieugarcia ,
    so thanks for chance to try & bump his attention to this .


  • edited August 2017
    It hasn't been missed, there was some show stopper bugs that had to be fixed quick fast, for the record i know he has been looking in to your MIDI import issues @WallyBlo.

    Not saying they are fixed, I have no insight to that, just know he placed that as high up the list.

    Fixed typo !!!!!
  • edited August 2017

    @5pinlink different bug report , this is about AB3/MidiAdapter ports causing mayhem in BM3 ports listing which doesnt happen in other apps .
    ( hence the "again" )

    P.S after you insulted my name in a discussion on AB Forum , I dont know whether that's an honest typo or you are trying to be funny calling me Blow

  • edited August 2017
    I know its a different bug, I have read every bug report that has been posted here.
    I was only trying to give you some info to stop you repeatedly saying you are being ignored, you are not, and as an example, I know that myself/Vincent and Mathieu all spent a bunch of time on your MIDI files the other day (Yes i know that is a different bug, but it shows that you are not being ignored)

    Don't worry, i shall not try to give any info to you or type your name incorrectly again.
    I apologise.
  • edited August 2017

    Firstly , the info I posted here was directly relevant to the OP question, & posted to help answer their question .

    I have posted bug reports to try to help , returning a few days later only to see they have not been responded to by Intua , so felt obliged to bump the issue again , though I usually see other threads have been responded to by Intua .
    It is not about me being ignored , it is about knowing the issue has been acknowledged by Intua . It need only be an " investigating" comment from Mathieu to know it was on the list.
    If it seems "repeatedly" , the forum dates will show there was no response from Intua in the meantime .

    I don't know @5pinlink 's relationship with Intua now . I'm glad he is trying to help & be constructive on this forum for the good of BM3 development,
    (having been banned from AB (for general rudeness ?) ),
    but until I am informed he speaks officially for Intua , I value their response more than his .

  • @WallyBlo
    I shall type your name and reply to you because I suggest you keep the lies to yourself, just because this is the internet does not mean you can go around spreading complete untruths about people, I have never been banned from any forum, least of all the Audiobus forum.
    So i suggest as politely as possible that you do not make up things about me ever again.

    I do not speak for Intua at all, i have sorted some lists on the forum and try to help people, thats it.

    Your claims of being ignored because one of the developers has not replied are as childish and untrue as saying i was banned from the Audiobus forum, wait, not only banned but banned for general rudeness, your behaviour here is bordering on a complaint to the developers, but maybe that is your plan, so that they no longer ignore you.

    You do realise that it is ilegal to spread lies about people on social platforms IE a forum, right ?

  • The AB3 MidiFlow bug was reported on August 20th , with no acknowledgement from Intua still . Being relevant to help answer this thread topic I posted about it again .
    I fail to see how this is childish , other than perhaps my use of " again " .

    "Repeatedly" would much better describe your own intervention in every thread ,
    which whilst often useful , is not official , & is sometimes prone to jumping to wrong conclusions , as was the case here it seems to me .

    Regarding ABForum , all I know is when I went to search for your insult to me ,
    (as you had posted so eloquently here about not calling people names ) ,
    I saw a User Banned message which I assume is acccessible to all who make that search .
    FTR although I considered reporting you , I didnt , so whatever reason it was for was not my doing .
    Unless the " User banned " logo is your new avatar , posted by yourself as a post -ironic statement , I'm not sure what I need apologise for , but do so in advance of that particular circumstance .

  • You would have to ask the Audiobus forum Admins why it says that, maybe that is the only way they can remove a users account, which i personally asked the admins to do, anybody who leaves a forum should ask for all their posts to be removed, it is your legal right and common sense.
    Again, I was not banned from any forum, I asked to have my account removed, Micheal will confirm this if you wish to waste his time too, I have the email still where he asked me not to have my account removed.

    If "i jump the gun" or think i have, i apologise generally, but in this case i did not, i posted about one of your other bugs where you also proclaimed to being missed or ignored to show that you are not being missed or ignored again.
    One thread i moved recently because of user error, was complained about vigorously over the last couple of days, and guess what, it was user error, no harm, no foul, nobody disrespects the user for needing help (and getting it) and only you it seems think that i have jumped the gun.

    Your behaviour is childish and self important, the developers do reply to threads when they can, personally i offered to help a little on the forum because some questions i could answer, sections i could help organise, and those few fleeting moments could be an extra line of code debugged by the developers.

    On the MIDI import bug thread (that wasn't actually a bug, but user error) they posted some of the most comprehensive replies directly to you, and you still proclaimed to being missed again or ignored, and you obviously have a problem with me trying to help people (In that thread, you in particular) and tidy up the forum, possibly it is anybodies help towards you ? you actually inferred that you wanted help from "Intua only" when you posted MIDI files that you could not get to load.
    I spent a lot of time trying to confirm your MIDI import bugs from that thread, only to realise they were in fact user error, now hearing your proclaim that stuff is being missed or ignored should be a slap in the face, but actually every little helps.

    By the way, just to make your life easier (Searches, really ?) and so that you can point Intua at this thread to show how "Insulting" i was to you, here is what i wrote at the Audiobus forum, word for word...
    "Your name fits you perfectly"
    That is exactly how i insulted you and your name.
    The way you have posted not only in this thread but in others here too, even when the developers tried to explain things to you, In a very comprehensive way, i will confirm "your name fits you perfectly"
    For anybody who can't be bothered to read the link, it basically means i can't believe how somebody so clever is being so silly, that is how much i insulted you and your name, it warranted it being mentioned twice in this thread, and you actually did a search for it, you know what, that confirms "your name fits you perfectly"

  • @5pinlink "anybody who leaves a forum should ask for all their posts to be removed, it is your legal right and common sense."

    Totally disagree on this. Don't people normally leave forums without feeling the need to sabotage all the threads where their comments might be integral to the dialogue? I always figured it's better to leave comments in place in the hope that those old discussions might be of help to someone else in future without future readers having to try and make sense of conversations with massive holes in them ;)

    Not sure a forum mod should be advocating the 'throw a tantrum and harm the forum by deleting all your content' style forum exit? Very odd...Mods elsewhere frown really hard on this action when users insist on it.
  • I didn't throw a tantrum, again, somebody else assumes they know everything without any of the facts.

    I asked for my posts to be removed because a user at this forum told me that every post i make here and at the AB forum makes them feel physically sick, so the posts were removed, I was going to do the same here, but as was pointed out to me by various other forum users, that user plainly had serious issues if text on a forum can make them feel physically sick.
    What this has to do with you or anybody else though is beyond me to be honest, you are weighing in for no reason whatsoever and not only assuming things but throwing around insults based on facts you do not or will never have.

    We can carry on, and you can carry on assuming things and throwing insults if you like, it does not bother me one bit, enjoy yourself with it.

  • I didn't assume anything. You advised people to delete all comments when they leave a forum. I said that was usually a negative action for the community (makes a mess of threads etc). I also didn't throw any insults. Was jus sayin...
  • You assumed i had thrown a tantrum, that would be insulting.
    Assume and insult.

    In the UK, the law is very clear, if you remove yourself from social media and somebody replies to a comment that you have already created, you then lose the right to refute said comments, so the advice to remove all content if you are going to remove your entire account is sound advice, at least here in the UK.

  • Nah, I just said that I felt like your advice gave power to/could be seen to advocate the knee jerk reaction (tantrum was possibly the wrong word) of 'delete my account! Delete all my posts!' that we often see in forums when a user gets bent out of shape.

    If everyone deleted all their posts when they stopped using a forum, just because they were worried about missing the ability to refute some random comment 3 years down the line, forums would be a pile of nonsense. Just hundreds of broken conversations.
  • @5pinlink I apologise for assuming the AB Forum message stating you were banned is correct , if as you claim it isn't;
    though given your forum outbursts & rudeness , both demonstrated above , it wasn't difficult to believe .

    I posted relevant info in good faith about AB3 midi question to this thread & you attacked me for mentioning , secondarily , that the bug had yet to be acknowledged by Intua .
    It was the first time, after 8 days & inspired by other users needs that I mentioned this bug.

    The midi import thread shows I bumped 3 times over 9 days & after another week there was a first response . I don't see how this is "repeatedly " , & I wouldn't have felt the need to repeat had there been response in between , obviously .
    I also asked for clearer tutorials , which are needed to explain how to correctly load midi files .Your thousand word essay above would have been more useful to the forum explaining the difference between pad modes when importing midi files rather than insulting people again . But Vincent's last comment is to state there IS a bug , & a fix for 3.03. & to recognise it is not as clear as it could be .
    Should I apologise for persevering with that issue ? ( rhetorical )

    I'm sorry to the OP & other interested users for all this , for as much as I am to blame.
    I am certainly not seeking forum attention for myself just hoping to report & share info for the good of the app , if I'm not bullied out of the place in the process .

  • So first you accuse me of being banned from Audiobus forum, then you say that i insulted you and your name, now you are saying that above i have had outbursts and shown rudeness, and now you are inferring that you (I assume by me) are being bullied out of this forum.

    Only one person has been attacked repeatedly in this thread, me, if anyone is trying to be a bully it is you, yes you are failing miserably, but ten out of ten for effort.

  • Whoa.

    This is not my business, and I should probably keep out, but how about showing some peace and love here... from all sides? We are all adults and this thread is getting a bit too heated.

    I've found these Intua forums (and users) to be on the whole, very helpful, productive and a great place to share tips and help for this wonderful new DAW/app.

    Let's keep it amicable please guys - 5pin has done a great service for this community and deserves the same respect as anyone else on here (and some ++ for behind the scenes work on managing FR and Bugs)

    Please think twice before making comments that are either personal, slanderous or worse, libellous.


  • @WallyBlo no apologies necessary. I have found this thread to be more enlightening and amusing than originally anticipated. Please do continue :D
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