Cutting up samples

edited September 2017 in Support

I haven't spent the money yet, this is potentially a deal breaker; when dividing a loop, is there a parameter to set fade in/out to avoid clicking? Watched a workflow video on youtube and noticed clicks and pops when assigning a loop to pads.


  • No destructively you just use the AHDSR, destructively you have fade in fade out.

  • For each pad? So the person making the video was being lazy?

  • edited September 2017

    No idea what the person was doing in the video, there are a lot of user errors in BM3, that are taken as missing features.
    Non destructively the AHDSR or choose AHD instead (more likely) acts upon every note pressed, so yes each pad, destructively (how i work) you can do whatever you like ;)

  • @emmmg333 Sounds like laziness

    To explain what 5pin was saying in other words, once you've sliced your drum loop in BM3 and distributed them across mutliple pads, you can apply super-quick fade-ins/outs with the Attack and Release in the Amp ADSR parameters for whichever slices might be popping or clicking.

    I sliced an Amen break the other day entirely in BM3 and managed to dial-in perfect settings for each slice with just the ADSR controls (ie, non-destructively)

  • @tk32 said:
    I sliced an Amen break the other day entirely in BM3 and managed to dial-in perfect settings for each slice with just the ADSR controls (ie, non-destructively)

    Any tips for that? The attack dial works fine for me but I still sometimes get clicks at the other end unless I add a destructive fade out.

  • Turn the sustain down, that is the part of the envelope that stays open 'After' the trigger event (Note in pattern) has stopped (Note off)

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