Start next scene when previous is done?

Still new to BM3, but, as I'm understanding it, the scene sync trigger is what determines when the next scene starts playing. The longest option is 1 bar. Would it be possible to have an option where it just plays the next scene when the current one finishes? That would make live performance a bit easier, if one is playing other instruments, as they could hit the pad for the next scene any time and know it will just switch when the current one is done.


  • Scene sync trigger is the sync used for a scene when you trigger it manually, so if it is 1 bar, when you trigger the scene it will start playing at the start of the next bar.

  • Right, I know. I don’t want 1 bar. Want to be able to click on the next scene and have it start playing after the current one finishes, whether it’s 1 bar or 5.

  • Sorry, I didnt explain very well, sync trigger is not what you want and indeed what you want cant currently be done in scene mode.
    I was just letting you know what sync start actually did and explained it very poorly, apologies for that.

  • I'm also interested in the same thing for the same reason (live performance) and in my opinion the most logical place to put such a feature, if implemented, is in the scene sync menu.

    Instead of having 1 BAR as the highest setting, a new setting LOOP, or something similar, would be added.

    When selected, scenes would switch at the end of the longest loop in that scene (if drums are 1 bar, bass 2 bars and melody 8 bars the switch would happen at the end of the 8 bars melody).

  • +1

    I literally just was asking for this type of thing in another thread after playing more with Korg Gadget this week....

    This would really expand my live jam options :)

  • Korg Gadget even allows you to set a number of repeats which is also a useful feature.

  • Agree that it would be nice to have more options for counting in the next scene. Please also vote for my feature request if you are interested in using MIDI controls to move "next/previous" through scenes:

  • edited November 2017
    Actually the app RhythmStudio by PulseCode has a system I really like.

    You get a number (a step) and you assign your scenes by incrementing by step of if you want to repeat a step you just assign the same scene. You keep going up the steps and assign whatever scene you want.

    Rebirth had this I believe.

    It's kind of crazy that more music apps don't embrace this amazingly time efficient arrangement approach.
  • Sounds similar to Renoises arranger

  • mee too!
    Or add more than 1BAR synk option; like 2, 4, 8

  • @LucidMusicInc said:
    Actually the app RhythmStudio by PulseCode has a system I really like.

    You get a number (a step) and you assign your scenes by incrementing by step of if you want to repeat a step you just assign the same scene. You keep going up the steps and assign whatever scene you want.

    Rebirth had this I believe.

    It's kind of crazy that more music apps don't embrace this amazingly time efficient arrangement approach.

    good point you made here - coming from using Akai MPC -

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