AMP Envelope 'toggle values'
As some of you know the amp envelope (and envelopes in general) has some nice curve values accessible via the modulations tab when an envelope is selected.
When doing quick edits on the main sampler page it would be super handy to access those curve parameters without having to jump between pages.
Currently the '3 dot' menu for the amp envelope on the main sampler page can be used to switch between AHDSR and AHD type of envelopes which is nice.
What I'm suggesting here is a way to 'toggle' the knobs between (A,H,D,S,R) / (A.Curve, D.Curve and R.Curve, R-Trig, Amount) by double-tapping or simply tap on the 'Envelope Header' (AHDSR / AHD).
Alternative a 'direct jump' in the '3 dot' menu to jump/select to the envelope in the Modulations Tab.
Been thinking about it, why not just have it cover the filter controls to get the full width envelope controls, but with an x top right to close back to small view ?
That could work as well!
Another idea that has struck me would be to be able to select which two 'objects' would occupy the two 'slots' that are by default used by the amp-envelope and filter.
This would be super handy if a 'pad' contains say multiple envelopes or LFOs and there is a need to quickly edit both of them. The 'modulation page' is quite handy but it is only able to show one object at the time causing a lot of 'panel switching'.
Maybe in the modulation page have a 'visible' tick box so you could put any modulator on the sampler page, default being Amp.
That could work. There's already some 'consistency issues' with the '3 dot menus'. On the main sampler-screen it toggles between AHDSR/AHD while in the modulations tab the same menu is used for handling presets.
At least on the iPad there's plenty of room on the modulation tab so one option could be to 'lock' say one envelope and use the area above it for another 'block'? Sure the 'modulations list' would suffer a bit showing fewer lines.