MIDI Record Arming per Bank
Currently if you receive midi input (via Rozeta, Chordflow etc) on multiple banks, when you hit record, it records midi to all banks automatically.
Often times I like to record overdubs via pads while external Midi input is playing playing but would like to avoid recording the external midi as I am still working on it in parralel.
yes this is really important. just being able to control which bank/s are record enabled in the same way you would as an audio channel
Reading about this a couple weeks ago has been holding me back on buying rozeta for now. Hopefully it'll be smoothed out soon..
Would be great to use an external sequencer with random features (Rozetta) and not "print" the notes every time you press record. Maybe like an arm/disarm button midi recording?
+1 definitely needed
@mathieugarcia oh snap!!!!