AU Midi Learn - workaround?
Wondering if midi ninjas can help get me fixed up
Trying to sequence BM3 from external hardware and life would be a breeze if the built-in AU midi-learn in apps like Zeeon, syntronik etc worked while they were hosted in BM3. Not happening though and wondering how people are working around it? Have I missed something obvious/simple to set up?
Built in midi learn within AUs will work.
BUT, as I‘ve just discovered, only for controls that aren’t already assigned to anything. Including macros.
Edit: re reading your question this may not impact what you’re doing...
I can confirm that the midi learn does work within the AUs of both zeeon and syntronik, as those are what I was testing earlier. I’m just using an external knobby controller though. Not sequencing. What are you trying to sequence it with?
Weird! I was using octatrack. Those apps in standalone I could midi Learn no problem. But when inside BM3 as au I couldn't. 'Think' I was setup correctly as octatrack was able to sequence notes in bm3. Just not cc. And like I said, was fine outside of BM3. Maybe user error though, will look again.
Thanks for the help.
It s possible that this is another MIDI CC bug, it loses MIDI CC from MIDI files, I don't have any external hardware controllers with dials to test at the moment (Still choosing, was hoping for something new at NAMM, which was a huge let down as usual)
Yeah, if you have say midi cc 13 set up in the focus actions, like mapped to a macro or anything else, it will interfere with straight midi learn/control for cc 13. I ran into this recently, so definitely check your focus actions list. If you aren’t using the focus actions, clear them all out.
@ronji so any MIDI CC set in the focus actions is then filtered and not sent to AU ?
Do you mean for the same hardware in tandem with the modulations panel? If you do, this is how MIDI works and why I said in the other thread that the modulations panel isn't independent of all CCs. All midi assignments are global. Channels will allow independence.
What do you want to automate? I will try to help.
And does any one know if when pressing the associated control you want to map in focus actions and leaving the screen, does it still stay in learn mode like it used to? If not, that being readded will alleviate assignment issues.
There is no Modulation panel for AU plugins unless i have missed a feature of BM3 entirely ?
I don’t think any midi cc set in focus actions blocks all, but it would block it for that particular midi cc. @mefisme I tend to do fairly simplistic midi stuff, generally not utilizing multiple channels, so while it makes sense I just thought I’d recommend checking the focus actions to make sure you’re not trying to map something that’s already mapped elsewhere. Sometimes I try things in the focus actions panel and then forget about it.
@5pinlink I was speaking of the modulations panel in sampler view only. Sorry for the lack of clarification.
@ronji I understand now. You were making a recommendation to users to check this.
All assignments to focus actions from plugins must be done from that plugin itself or with some sort of ability to receive the input of that midi note/or CC in Beatmaker 3. Do not use Autolearn for CC messages in Focus Actions. Focus Actions currently doesn't listen to the values properly.
@ronji explained far better than I did. I meant focus actions, not macros.
As ronji says, any CC assigned to a focus action, won't be picked up by an AUs internal midi learn.
@mathieugarcia any chance this could be changed?
I discovered this was the case as I'd built some banks where I wanted to control the samplers parameters with the mod wheel, so I set CC1 as a focus action for a macro.
This then means that BM3 doesn't recognise the modwheel as it would normally.
Also, say you wanted to control a bank with 8 macros assigned to 8 knobs, and then you wanted to use those same 8 knobs to control parameters on an app that doesn't expose the AU controls, like syntronik, you then can't midi learn the CCs from those knobs.
I believe you can set the output of a pad to send midi input t to the plugin that's listening and in return send that input as output back to bm3. I haven't fully tested. If true, you could build a bank reassigner. Lol.
@MichaelRocketship correct and changing it would mean focus actions would no longer have priority in BM3.