BM3 is constantly crashing on me, reproducable one attached
iPad Air 2 running iOS 11.2.5
Working on a track last night and this morning I've experienced no less than one crash every hour. Constant saving is letting me get ahead but have also lost a bunch of work too. I really hope the app has some analytics in place that allow the devleopers to see the steps leading up to crashes.
Anyway, I have a session that as soon as I load it and go into song mode, try and duplicate a pattern (first instance of "belly" in the song timeline, at the very start), it crashes.
Mod note* please don't post files containing IAPs
Hope this report helps with stability!
I will download this in a sec. The first instance of "belly" is confusing. Is there a specific colored pattern or pattern name I can attempt confirmation?
"belly" is the pattern name and it's yellow. thanks for taking a look!
Confirmed crash. It is related to this thread:
Using repeat does no crash. You also have many wav files being referenced in unsaved sessions. Be careful with this.
Tried duplicating via pattern helper. No crash but returned this error. You may not receive this if you are still hearing the audio of this. Then you could drag the duplicate to song view. Or just use repeat not duplicate.

I am now deleting your project from my iPad. I give you my word. Here’s shots:

Should be fixed in next update says @mathieugarcia
Appreciate the insight, glad it's on the radar. Regarding the above... how do I remedy it?
I'm sure I'm even clear on the problem... meaning I have wav files somewhere under the bm3 files system that no sessions are linking to? I would think that having a large sample bank, with many unused samples, would be a typical use case for a sampler 🤔
Thanks for all the information and the session. Investigation will ensue!
I dunno if this is the same problem as the other thread @mefisme. I downloaded the session too, and duplicating any of the audio clips causes a crash (not just belly), and I wonder if it's because none of the audio clips are found (since they're referencing "unsaved sessions/session jan 31 2018/"). If I drag a sample out of the sample directories included in the zip, I can duplicate that just fine. similarly, I think some of these banks might have broken samples.
now, it might be that some of the reports in that other thread that refer to one duplication causing a crash are due to missing samples, but the undoing of pattern duplication that causes a crash is definitely at least slightly different. maybe the undoing of pattern duplication is related because there's some bad references to non-existent files that are created? I dunno, just thinking out loud. I might not have run into this in normal use because I'm fairly careful with where I store and access my samples.
@ronji you are right. I meant to say "might be related". The issue is we don't know if user @starpause has missing files or not. If he/she opens the session without sample missing screen then it will require further testing I did notice it is referencing an audio file we don't have. So it's a confirmed crash on our end but we definitely need the original samples to test properly.
Yes it is not the undo redo crash. But similar kinda because you can repeat the pattern without crash.
@mefisme yeah, unfortunately it does seem like we might be missing the whole picture due to these missing samples, but maybe it's still something else. hopefully @mathieugarcia can find something. I did just try and test like this: create new session, load some samples, force an autosave by quitting, load the autosave, save the session with a new name "test", confirm test is referencing the samples from the unsaved session, load up another session to avoid bm3 preventing me deleting samples that are "currently in use" in test session, delete the unsaved session, load up test session, audio files are definitely missing and don't play, but duplicating one of the audio clips on the song timeline does not produce a crash, but instead just the error you got from the track helper duplication. =/
I can maybe redownload it and crunch it to death. This is like the 4th or 5th report of some sort of duplication or undo crash. I have had some crashes happen. I forget where Apple logs are.
@starpause If a BM3 update, database reset, or user error deletes your unused sessions folder, your samples will no longer exist. When you find time, check your unsaved sessions folder for Jan 31 2018 and these files. Are they there?

Was able to get duplicate to work but it not sure if it will for @starpause . Here’s the error. I deleted the belly pattern and and redragged in song view and pressed Duplication.

This is my error. So you are probably missing the audio file.
another note: I also got it to crash by duplicating a pattern on the song timeline from bank B1 gr16a70, but I can duplicate that same pattern via the track helper, drop it into the timeline, then duplicate that duplicated pattern without crashing.
ok, dammit, it seems that duplicating any pattern anywhere in the song timeline of this session will crash bm3, but not if you move or repeat it first. =/ wtf haha. I can select the entire song timeline, move it one bar, then duplicate it, no crash. (undoing that duplicate will crash it, though
Haha. Repeat duplicate undo/redo madness!
I just opened the session fresh, selected the entire song timeline, moved it one bar to the right, then moved it back to the left, and now I can duplicate any pattern on the song timeline without crashing. note: you have to complete the move, meaning you can't just momentarily move to the right and then back to the left without dropping the selection.
yeah, I did that too, but you don't even have to delete the pattern. you can drag the existing pattern out of the track helper and then duplicate it, no crash. it seems to have something to do with the existing positions of all of those patterns on the song timeline, at least as far as the stat it's in when we open it up after @starpause shared it with us. can't wait for them to try the move fix!!
@ronji You ready for this. This is confusing me beyond belief.
@mefisme hahaha, I had just put my iPad away, but had to bring it back out to test that. yeah, if you make a new session, add an audio track, there sure are midi settings, but all set to none as in the screenshot
I wonder if that's a feature, or a mistake =p
I haven’t the slightest idea. This makes no sense to me though.
Move fix documented in my black bug book so I remember what to do if it happens to me or others. Thanks. Wasn’t that the fixxe with the undo duplication bug from the other thread?
Hmm. Midi setup on all tracks now. Aux, audio, banks. I need to see if this records an AU or plugin without pad assignment. Or only what I trigger on a specific external midi controller. I know for a fact though sending audio to midi out just is impossible. Midi isn’t audio unless a plugin can convert audio to midi. Like in ableton. Just downright weird. This may be a glimpse of a feature or straight up mistake.
I don't think I recall the move fix in the dupe/undo thread. In that, the crash is mainly from duping more than one copy of the same pattern, and I don't think moving will prevent it. The workaround is to not undo, but just delete the dupes.
Could midi be routed through an audio track for some reason? Maybe this can be used with something like VoxSyn which is an audio manipulation effect that uses midi for autotuning.
Why wouldn't audio tracks support MIDI, an audio effect on an audio track can have MIDI controllable controls, so you would need to send MIDI to that audio track, also consider that an audio track also contains patterns and can be part of a scene, if you want to MIDI trigger those you would need MIDI input to said track again, MIDI control of volume/Pan/Solo/Mute ?
Just a thought.
If your talking about Automations of midi effects a top an audio track, yes, but I have no idea if it works yet. I completely forgot the effects panel and pattern scenes for audio and AU record Automations. I haven't tried it this way as I was bouncing the effects off the master because export for me wasn't capturing anything. So if this works, Then would it be there at export. That's the question I guess.
There isn't any specific midi assignments to an audio track other than it's in an out so it doesn't fully make sense how to set this up at all without using an external midi assignable plugin or focus actions. Besides macros but then what's the point of midi in/out. Unless this is suppose to automate somehow in pattern midi. There is no proper sampler view for audio tracks either.
Even with scenes. There's no pad to trigger the scene and the play buttons in scenes view have no midi option. So I guess I don't fully understand that one either.
Not every feature works fully yet, give them chance.
I wasn't complaining. I probably came off that way. I have full patience with the company so apologize for any misunderstanding. I was completely confused by it though. After messing with it for a bit I can now gather what might be coming and I'm staying hush since I don't truly know
You cant gather anything really, it could be a mistake that MIDI routing was added and MIDI control of audiotrack volume or effects never actually happens.
Unless a feature is listed as new or implemented in the changelog on release day, i personally would just assume it doesnt exist.
That’s a good idea. I did say “might” and “hush since I don’t know” in my post. I think I’m just going to go back to work.
Sticking to the changelog is always best with a fast release schedule, Reaper developers accidently released a version with audio groove quantize 5 years ago, there is still no audio groove quantize in Reaper now.
Developers can easily try something out and forget to disable it for a release, testers dont find it because they are invariably testing what they are asked to test
Thank you, appreciate the response! And fun software
Appreciate the work arounds as well! I was able to bang the rest of the track out ✌️ I uploaded it on sketchfab as a kinda interactive-music-video-thingy if you want to hear the spit polish that got slathered on 🤓