Don't fully understand PADS Y VELOCITY setting (SOLVED)

edited February 2018 in Support

PADS Y VELOCITY: if set to ON, the velocity will depend of the vertical position of your
finger while tapping on a pad.

Are they talking about the strip in bm3 or some sort of external controller pad positioning or pads themselves become velocity controlled. I'm confused by this because even with the setting off the fixed velocity of my controller still functions and this becomes a volume slider per pad. So what is the use of PADS Y VELOCITY. Please and thank you.


  • The on screen pads, towards the top is higher velocity, towards the bottom is lower.

  • @5pinlink said:
    The on screen pads, towards the top is higher velocity, towards the bottom is lower.

    That's a very interesting feature trying to figure out how I would use that. I would imagine it would depend on the sensitivity.

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