No comments????????? Anyone i wouldn't mind some feed back <!-- s:D --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:D -->
Just a little criticism..... The beat is okay, but it's just that; a beat. This is a good start, but you need a melody and/or a hook. Try working on making a full track versus just an intro.
Intro: 4bars
Verse: 8 or 16 bars
Chorus: 8 Bars
Bridge/hook 2 bars
Outtro: 4 or 8 bars
Intro: 4bars
Verse: 8 or 16 bars
Chorus: 8 Bars
Bridge/hook 2 bars
Outtro: 4 or 8 bars
1 bar = 4 beats if you're working with 4/4 timing