CPU usage/spikes

Is anyone still having issues with glitches and cpu spikes? If I have 4 or 5 IAA or AU loaded with a small number of effects, it seems to glitch uncontrollably. I’m at 512 and don’t want to put my buffer any higher than that. I know certain apps are much worse than others ie. model 15, D. I know it’s not an issue with ram. I’m on a 10.5 iPad Pro. Should I delete the program and download it again? Maybe I need to start bouncing tracks to audio? Seems unusable. I don’t seem to have the issues with Auria and Cubasis, just BeatMaker. It sucks because I’d love to use BeatMaker as my go to DAW but not sure I can. Also, I wish I can output tracks from BeatMaker into an auria track, but we can’t have everything. Anyone have any tips?


  • Wish I could help, I simply don’t load that many au or iaa at once, I usually record it as audio and unload the au, I’m just on a standard iPad though, not a pro

  • edited May 2018

    My advice is to stick to AUv3 plugins.

    With the notable exception of the Moog synths, AUv3 plugins seem far more CPU efficient (and stable) than multiple IAA ever was or ever will be*. I'd be surprised if you didn't experience the same issues in Auria and Cubasis with that many IAA plugins + AU.

    *IAA seems be phasing out completely. Luckily many developers are updating their IAA plugins to be AU now.

    ps - i am also using a 10.5 pro

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