Recording automation in scene mode

I understand how to record automation from an AU into a pattern in scene mode but I was wondering... say my pattern is 4 bars long and loops in scene mode but I wanted to record automation that goes for say 50 bars long is that possible? I can only get automation directly into the pattern which would make it loop according to the patterns settings.


  • edited August 2018

    There are 2 types of automation.. pattern automation and track automation

    Pattern automation exists inside the pattern, and triggers every time that pattern starts, whereas track automation exists on the timeline, can last for as long as you need, overlapping multiple copies of the same pattern (eg 50 times), and takes precedent over any automation in the patterns that may try to compete with it.

    It's not all good news however. Unfortunately, once automation data is recorded to the timeline it's really difficult to move, so when you start to reorganise and re-sequence your track, the track automation can become a PiTA.

    Top tip: Usually when I want to do what you describe, such as a really long filter sweep, I merge multiple copies of the pattern into one new 'super pattern' and add automation to that. This way I get the best of both worlds.

  • @tk32 said:
    There are 2 types of automation.. pattern automation and track automation

    Pattern automation exists inside the pattern, and triggers every time that pattern starts, whereas track automation exists on the timeline, can last for as long as you need, overlapping multiple copies of the same pattern (eg 50 times), and takes precedent over any automation in the patterns that may try to compete with it.

    It's not all good news however. Unfortunately, once automation data is recorded to the timeline it's really difficult to move, so when you start to reorganise and re-sequence your track, the track automation can become a PiTA.

    Top tip: Usually when I want to do what you describe, such as a really long filter sweep, I merge multiple copies of the pattern into one new 'super pattern' and add automation to that. This way I get the best of both worlds.

    I hope hope hope that one day splitting patterns and joining patterns does not mess up pattern automation. Hope hope hope...

  • Yeah both types of automation should never have existed in the first place, B3 is a groove DAW, it should ONLY have automation items, not item automation or track automation, it is very very poor as is, needs completely changing.

  • @5pinlink said:
    Yeah both types of automation should never have existed in the first place, B3 is a groove DAW, it should ONLY have automation items, not item automation or track automation, it is very very poor as is, needs completely changing.

    what do you mean by automation items?

  • Items just for automation, or clips if you prefer the term clip, there should NEVER be any other type of automation, it covers every possible scenario.

    Item automation = automation within an audio or MIDI item.
    Automation item grouped to any item = automation that works exactly the same as item automation.

    Track automation = automation in a lane that is the entire length of the track.
    Automation item the length of the track = track automation.

    Automation item advantages.....
    Save automation items to the browser and build up a library.
    Any tools designed for items (clips) will work, copy/paste/cut/split/stretch/loop/glue/merge etc etc etc.
    Load automation item to a cell in scene mode and trigger it as needed.
    Route items using sends, so automation can go to any and multiple destinations.
    The list can go on and on, but those are enough to make anybody demand automation items in all their software, I wont use a host that doesn't support automation items on the desktop any more, i hopeto talk @mathieugarcia in to implementing them in B3 as soon as possible.

  • Would be so nice to have an ‘automation shape maker’. Specify lfos and ramps based on some params.

  • B3 was the first iOS host to support AUv3 automation, so it's such a shame there wasn't a separate lane for each bank in both Song and Scene mode to manage this data on.

    Imagine the power of being able to drop a 8-bar filter sweep 'block' below a series of four 2-bar patterns on the timeline.. and also being able to do that in Scene mode too, with the 8 bars of sweep determining the length of the scene.

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