Please help us understand midi implementation
Hi @vincent,
Can you help us understand the latest midi implementation please? For example, I see that it is now really easy to sequence a drum bank by adding Rozeta X0X as a midi FX. It also looks like you can add more midi FX plugins to the same bank sidebar such as MidiEcho but I do not understand how that might work? I can’t seem to get it to work in my testing.
A midi FX plugin like MidiEcho does seem to work on bank A if sequencing the drum bank from a pad on a separate bank (such as using the Quantum sequencer in bank B to sequence the drum bank on Bank A).
Any help you can give on how this all works would be much appreciated!
@tk32 I’m gonna leave it to you to explain the midi implementation in your guide then... 😉
Sure will.. although I'm still working out the 'finer points' of this new system myself @GusGranite
... Having said this, I have a strong suspicion things may be changing in this area, not least the return of midi AU recording.
Interesting, have you heard anymore on AU midi recording being added to BM3? Seems to be the only real big feature missing from this app now.
I know nothing, but have a feeling it will be back soon
Ahh OK.
Watch out for 3.0.13 thoe and how will this manual be available to the bm3. Community once it's release Date?
It seems even non-AU midi is pretty wonky right now too...?
I just cant seem to get Single Channel mode working via virtual midi anymore. Maybe I am missing a step... but...I sure had no problems before.
What exactly are you trying to do? Which apps? Will try to replicate.
Sigh... got it... lol...
Looks like I found a bug in the process. turns out higher number pads don’t light up in this view when they are triggered. The low ones do though. So yah single channel mode works. Anyway, just sending NS2 midi to BM3 for triggering pads.
Thanks @Audiogus will look into that as well.