Reorder Audio tracks
This might be a stupid question and propably easy to answer but Do you guys know how to reorder Audio tracks in bm3?
I bounced old beats from my mpc, loaded the seperate tracks in bm3 but i cant figure out how to reorder them ( like kick on track 1, snare on track 2 and so on)
I found Buttons to change color, Duplikate tracks and so on but i cannot rearrange them...
Sorry for the noobish and propably simple question.
There is no moving tracks in B3 unfortunately.
Oh thats...unfortunate.. lol 😂
If you open a track's PATTERN HELPER, you can drag audio clips to another audio track, but you can't re-order the tracks themselves.
Note - you can also drag patterns from one bank to another if you open the pattern helper
Maybe im readong that wrong, but you cant drag audio clips between tracks, at least i cant.
You can drag source audio from the pattern helper to any audio track ?
Yes, but in This Case i only want to copy pure Audio tracks from the mpc and no MIDI tracks. Its feels a bit limited in the beatmaker that you cant Do stuff like This but maybe that is not the Main Focus of the app to use it like a complete suite for mixing, but for just making beats which i think it Can Do very good:)
Yeah - sorry - that's what I meant to say. I've modified the original post.
Here's how you do it...
(notice I can move the original clip left and right, but not up or down)
Yeah, I agree it would be good to be able to move tracks
so that we can group them together even if BM3 doesn't get
group faders, being able to organise them by
rhythm, strings, percussion etc would speed up work flow.
Sending them them to an Aux is not quite the same.
In your case after you bounce the beats from the'd have to pay attention to the order that you're loading them into BM3 if you want certain tracks together. Once they're in ... they're always gonna be in the order!
Yes, so the only thing to Do is to load them in the right Order straight from the beginning.. Maybe They will fix This in the future..
have fun making beats.
Track re-ordering is a must have for sure.