How to get Imported files go to the “bank” section?
When I import a beat pack, is there anyway I can put it in the “Banks” section instead of in a folder where the imports section is?
When I import a beat pack, is there anyway I can put it in the “Banks” section instead of in a folder where the imports section is?
Does this get the bank from ‘documents’ area
into the ‘banks’ area? (The one under the magnifying glass next to ‘sessions’ ‘samples’ and ‘plugins’
Because the only I’m able to move them into that area is by saving the bank that was previously in the documents/imports area after loading the kit. And then it becomes available in the ‘banks’ area. Please tell me there’s another way around re-saving each kit manually to get it into banks.
Thanks. Is this true for kits in Bm2 format as well or do they need to be manually ‘re-saved’? It’s loading them just fine but I’m unable to move them to bank presets and have them reflected in the search area
Just import/move the BM2 kits into the banks directory. Then go into settings and rescan database. They should all pop up
That worked!!! Thanks 🙏
Do y’all know how to change the order of the ‘packs’ tags in the banks area? I’m wanting them to be displayed alphabetically, or in my own personal order, but instead they’re ordered from most recent to oldest. Is this changeable?
And is there a way to reorder the categories and sub categories section? Also how to do u delete these once they’ve been added? I’m having a hard time finding that. I made a couple of categories on accident I’d like to remove
Not sure how to change that
I hate tags; and the tag database.
File browser + neat housekeeping, for the win. Every time
@StudioES i was worried about that being the case. It really sucks that they didn’t emphasize this feature more, and make it more adjustable, and user accessible, because it’s really special when implemented properly.
Full disclosure, I just imported at least 50 Maschine expansions that each have probably 50 kits in each of them (im guessing) Add that to the Maschine factory library that has 100’s on its own. So probably over 2000+ kits. Scrolling, and using the unsearchable documents folder just isn’t workflow efficient for me. @tk32 I tried, and the extra steps required killed all my inspiration. So I went and one by one made ‘packs’ to reflect the Maschine expansions name and tagged them so they are in the banks database accessible. Tedious indeed, but the result is like having Maschine + expansions kits on my iPad. It’s pretty nice. Just wish I could move them to be alphabetized or prioritzed based on my preferences.
Actually, 2000+ Kits in a few minutes, literally!! BM3 was really the time hang up for me with organization and tagging.
Yes with Kit Maker. As far as loop points etc idk so please don’t make a liar out of me with the specifics. I can tell U that some pads export ‘empty’ as a empty.wav (which is soundless) due to them being Massive presets etc. and whatever other non .wav format that they’ve assigned to a Maschine pad, and the .wav samples also bounce dry, which I prefer, but some people prefer the fx on them like they hear in Maschine so it’s maybe a deal breaker for them.
As far as any other details (bit depth, sample rate, etc) I honesty don’t know and would recommend contacting them directly. What I can say is that it’s the best $15 I’ve ever spent towards my desktop to iOS transition, and I’ve spent many $100’s personally. I’ve bought sample robot and every other tool I was aware of to help me get to this point, and even manually exporting sound after sound, so this tool has been a Godsend.
Again, it’s unquestionably the best $15 u could ever spend if u have Maschine, and are using BM3!
I imagine Kit Maker doesn't convert anything, just organizes existing wavs and whatnot, which would be how they could do that many so fast. The dev is here and in our discord as @elgrayso
Well yes, I’m sure you’re right about that, which would explain the samples being dry, but it is ‘converting’ each Maschine kit into a BM2 drum kit file and adding empty.wav to pads it can’t fill with sounds. @elgrayso is also extremely helpful with product support. Great stuff overall.
Right, the kit file is converted, I just meant the wav files probably aren't converted
Also I didn't mean "just organizes" negatively, I would consider it a feature that the audio files are retained with their original quality and whatnot, and I'm speculating. If I had any maschine kits I would buy kit-maker in a heartbeat.