All the Cymbals You'll Ever Need
So I haven't dug into all of the websites yet, but I make music on BM3 that is more on the non-electronic side quite a bit, and have been looking for drum kits that fit the bill since I bought it two years ago. The kits that Intua provides in their packs are great, but for from harder rock to acoustic/coffeehouse genres, it was a challenge. Several drum machines are available, but I couldn't find great cymbal sounds to save my life. Until...
I went to a cymbal maker's website (Paiste) and I was like a kid in a candy store. They have INCREDIBLE mp3 files on every single cymbal they make, and if that wasn't enough, they make them easily downloadable! Now there are more cymbals in my BM3 sample list than I know what to do with. I've created packs for my favorites and still have so many left to sift through. Rides, Crashes, Splashes, Chinas, Swishes, Bells, and of course Hats, and each cymbal has edge hits, rolls, swells, chicks, heels, open hats, even edge hits and bells on their rides! Insanity.
Let me know what you think about this awesome resource!
Can you provide any packs for BM3?
I'll see what I can do!
@FearinLoathin Cool! Thanks for the tip.
So unless I am just completely retarded with this iCloud stuff, you can’t upload a whole folder or even multiple files, you have to upload EACH SOUND individually. So when it comes to posting full banks, it’s a total headache... Screw that.
If there are ways to give access to actual Banks I have assembled, please link me to the instructions and I’ll put a couple out there for easy pickings. In the meantime...
The Paiste website is super easy to figure out, you just have to watch for the fine print that are the download links to the whole cymbal packs. Here is my attempt to walk you guys through this:
So below is the Paiste website (, and to get to the cymbal packs as a whole, you’ll need to go to the Products heading, which will produce a cascade of drop down menus. Follow the breadcrumbs to your fave cymbals... I recommend getting a pack or two at least, and go for ones with a wide selection of all types. 2002 has a great overall selection for example, with 10 rides, 24 (!!) crashes, 6 or 7 hats, 6 chinas and 3 splashes. The Signature line is also well-rounded:

So then, click or tap on the line name twice to get the “Main” page. This is the key, as it is where the entire sound pack can be downloaded:

At the bottom of the description should be a link to start the download:

Once you have your sounds, you can either send the zip file directly to BM3 or save it in your iPad to sift through:
I would recommend doing the latter, because there are quite a few sound files that you may not need like the swells and rolls on your crashes and others, pattern files on rides and hats (which also eat up a lot of drive space), and sounds such as edge hits on rides or heels on hats that won’t be used much, if at all.
Anyway, I hope that gets you going! If you have any other questions, I promise to be more responsive going forward!
Just compress em to a zip & upload it to like a Dropbox or Google Drive & set the file to public so you can give a link. Audioshare & some other iOS apps can unpack zip files don’t even have to mess with it in iOS’s wonky file system.
Awesome, thanks! Clearly not thinking clearly tonight... Long weekend!
@FearinLoathin ready to see your banks. Archive them in Files app or BM3. Doesn’t matter how you do it, then you can create a link.
here's a google drive link to a ZIP with all the 2002 Cymbals:
let me know if it works!
Cool, it works. Nice collection. If anybody’s downloading straight to their ipad & has issues with iOS preventing downloads of zip & rar, look for an app called EDownloader, when iOS is being a bitch I just copy the link to ED & get the zip there. It’s free but it’s worth the $1 to remove the annoying popup ads.
I’ve reorganized this download and unzipped each file, put them in respective folders (10, 11, etc...) comes in at close to 700mb zipped. Anyone want it?
here's a link to other pack @FearinLoathin mentioned...the Signature Collection.
Sorry for dredging up such an old post. Just wanted to say I registered to say thanks for these.