Auto Chopping

edited July 2008 in General
Greetings gang, I was wondering can one sample be chopped to all 16 pads.

I tired it and I was successfully in added a chopped sample to one pad..


  • edited 1:39AM
    To auto-chop a sample over multiple pads:

    - On the Pad view, enter the EDIT menu
    - Choose the "Sample settings" sub-menu (waveform icon)
    - Press the SELECT button to enter selection mode and choose the pads you want to chop to
    - Press the CHOP button, browser will appear. Select your WAV/AIFF sample and click OK.
    - Leave selection mode by toggling the SELECT button

    You're done !

    For extra information, the BeatMaker User's Manual can be downloaded here:
    Refer to page 14.
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