How to Export Emails From MBOX to Outlook PST?

Manual Method+Free Method to convert MBOX to PST:

🔹 Step 1: Import MBOX to Thunderbird

  • Install Im*portExportTools NG add-on in Thunderbird.
  • Import MBOX file into Thunderbird.

🔹 Step 2: Convert to EML Files

  • Open Thunderbird, select all emails, and drag them to a folder on your desktop (this saves them as .EML).

🔹 Step 3: Import EML to Outlook

  • Open Outlook.
  • Drag and drop the EML files into an Outlook folder.

🔹 Step 4: Export as PST

  • Go to File → Open & Export → Import/Export, in Outlook
  • Select Export to a file → Outlook Data File (.pst).
  • Choose folder you dragged emails into and export.

Note: Users can use the BLR MBOX Converter Tool to convert MBOX files to Outlook PST format. It converts MBOX files from email clients like Thunderbird, Apple Mail, Eudora, Postbox, etc., into Outlook PST format. It means you can easily transfer all emails with attachments. This software is also compatible with all MS Outlook 2021, 2019, 2016, and older versions.

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