Recording a line-in source

edited September 2012 in Support
Good evening everyone. As this is my first message, I'll introduce myself. I am Noam and I live in France. I've recently "updated" to Beatmaker 2 after having used a simple multitrack for a year... So, hello! <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) -->

I would like to ask you a question about Beatmaker 2, that I use on my 1st generation iPad.

I noticed the possibility to record sound with the device's microphone or from a line-in source. My question is then: how can you import the newly recorded sound to the main track?

For example, I want to record my electric guitar, plugged to my iPad's jack input with an adapter. I also have some basslines and a drum track, here with the internal presets. Is it then possible to add a non-digital track, which will be my guitar's sound? I don't know if I was clear, I hope you will understand... (See GarageBand for example, with two types of tracks).

It would be very useful to me if you could find a solution to this issue. Thank you very much for your help.

Have a good evening. <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) -->


  • edited 2:12PM
    beatmaker doesn't have traditional 'audio tracks' as you find in garageband and multitrack daw.
    however, you could record your guitar part into an instance of the drum machine (as you would a sample), assign it to a pad, and play it back this way. you could even edit that sample in the audio editor.
    this method is better suited to short loop based guitar parts.

    i use this method to maximise beatmakers memory by bouncing 4 bar parts down with fx 'printed' and playing them back on a drum pad.

    just a suggestion?

    hope that helps a bit.

  • edited 2:12PM
    Hi Jack,
    Thank you for your answer.
    I thought that this method could be usable too. Unfortunately, my guitar part is very long, as I play a lot of rock. I might try this once and assign my part to a drum preset, even it would be more convenient to use a real recording functionality... I'll try to export what I've created with BM2 and then add the guitar part with a multitrack and finally mix up the whole thing, but I'd prefer using a unique software and a unique file...
    However, thank You for your suggestion, and have a good evening!:)
  • edited 2:12PM
    You'll need to record the guitars separately with something like Amplitube. I use BM2 to sequence strings, bass, drums etc and then I export each track separately to Audacity which is a free windows mixer. I record the guitars using AmpliTube, also export them, and then add the whole lot into Audacity for the final mixing. It works out well.
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